I found the incident slightly comical. It reminded me of Abbie Hoffman. From a politcal science viewpoint, the incident accomplished nothing. The video was sloppy and sickening. It could be cleaned up easily, though. Where is the damage to the WT? Where is the benefit to apostates? I see nothing. In fact, the video shows a lack of tact and good sense.
The energy setting up through a FB fiasco could be better used. Loose confederation is a good idea. Numbers don't equate to power. If we had votes, numbers would matter. I was active during the 1960s and studied tactics. Mass marches did little to end the war in Viet Nam. There is no legal way to attack the WT. Marketing to the public at large about issues that every day people care about is much more effective. JWFacts is good. People don't care about WT trivia. I find a few personal examples of overreaching and cult like control go far. Of course, the people I tell would never become Witnesses. Frankly, I can't relate to the Witness crowd anymore. Others can.
If you expend too much energy fighting an enemy, the enemy wins. Oh, I can see myself pulling the business card stunt at the State Department or the White House when I was a teen. We grew up, however. Real power is so much more rewarding than stunts. The progressive wing of the Democratic party kept losing and losing for so many elections. Most of went to grad or professional school. I told Tom Daschle, the former majority leader, that winning was so much nicer. He lost George McGovern's home state in the presidential election. Bill Clinton, Obama --nice. We gained control of the party, learning how to raise funds, and cut them off.
Once there is some tangible benefit in the group's work, a few stunts like that are very rewarding. Does anyone think that maybe only a few people at Bethel know about the group? I hate the WT so much that it scares me. 40 years is a long time to be angry. Frankly, though, I appreciate what I have today b/c of them. Childhoods are different from ordinary years. If you come up with a plan to put a dent in their cash flow or assets. Movement work is not as easy as TV shows or the news media show. The most effective action against Viet Nam was the Moratorium. On a certain date, Oct. 15th, Americans throughout the entire country walked off their jobs, schools, etc. for ten minutes to demonstrate that more than 20 students at Harvard were alienated.
The Quakers always impress me. Has anyone thought to talk with them about the WT situation? Certainly, there are similar religions to the WT. How are those "apostates" responding?