emeth -
I've been going to kingdom halls for over thirty years, and at least the last fifteen of those I've found zero real Bble study. The material is so elementary and presented in such an elementary way as to be insulting. I've felt like I was wasting my time, so I started reading the Bible, Koine Greek books, etc. during meetings.
You say the talks are upbuilding. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on that one. Maybe they are where you are (not in U.S.), but the ones I've heard the last few decades are anything but upbuilding. They are deplorable and irritating. The speakers have bad grammar, they don't make sense, they're boring, they're unrealistic, they're corny, etc. Speakers don't know how to develop a theme.
I have not seen "great people" at kingdom halls. I've seen some who, I think, really think they are doing right and have the truth, but that makes them no different from Pentecostals or Baptists or Catholics who really think they have the truth. At kingdom halls, I find most to be one or a combination of the following: naive, ignorant, delusional, GB and org idolizing, self-righteous, smug, lazy, crazy, unloving, lacking in intelligence.
My and I feel the same way about meetings. They actually make us mad. They weaken our faith in the org. We like JWs better when we don't go to meetings.