get privately reproved, then you'll lose your commenting and ministry school 'privileges'.
Ive followed the pattern!!
by Jon Preston 16 Replies latest jw friends
Jon Preston
How do i get quietly reproved? Lol watch porn and admit it but seem only half repentant?
Start by not showing up for your assignments, don't answer the phone when the tms overseer calls.
When I grew tired of all those platform assignments, I simply started missing meetings whenever I had one. After so many years of being enrolled in the TMS, I was elated to get to the end of that dreaded counsel slip thinking it was over...boy was I wrong! What? I have to start over again??? No way..that's it for me.
I got tired of being harassed to reach out for a ministerial servant whenever I aced a talk on the school.
Jon Preston
right, well i dont have privileges nor do i want them lol
Also depends on your personal circumstance and if you "raised children in the 'truth' "
If you did, then the damage you did to your own children will be something you need to
help them heal. Or perhaps you taught them so well they will shun you. If you have no
family "in the truth" and I use the term "truth"with revulsion, then you can just try to learn to
stop isolating yoursel, feeling superior to others, and thinking you have all the answers,
what a relief that is. Try to thoroughly cleanse yourself from the doctrines without having
to (hopefully) abandon all belief in God or spiritual life afterwards. It is possible. The atheists
who are ex-jw's seem to be a bitter and angry group, full of rage, so may be, try to avoid that.