I was raised in a Jewish community. The secular Jews greatly outnumbered the Orthodox Jews. Like JWs they had a tight knit community. Judaism was more of a culture to them than a religion. There many Jewish people who were athiest and even participated in Christmas and other secular holidays. Yet they still kept their traditional holidays and customs as these foster a sense of community. However, the negative aspects of the religion have been toned down. The mosaic law which once mandated death for sinners is no longer enforced.
As the JW teachings trend towards buffoonery and the end continues to be delayed, could the GB stem the tide of brain drain by loosening up? Even though I am no longer a believer I would still be willing to attend meetings on occasion if given the option. Instead I'm forced to attend every meeting or be threatened with an inquisition because I'm still an MS and it's hard to resign. We throw some nice witness events in our area and it would be so nice if people could attend these events without having to satisfy a meeting and service quota. I think if the control was loosened many people would stay. It seems here that most posters want to still be with their families, yet they aren't allowed to be. People care more about the sense of community than the beliefs. If the GB encouraged college and betterment of oneself they would see many JWs attend and still stick around the organization. Instead the GB has really forced my hand in the matter. Eventually I'll have to leave, so they're losing out on someone who would have been willing to stay and support the local community. I enjoy building projects, donating clothing, cooking meals and tutoring witness kids in school. Many on this board do too. Took bad we've been forced or take our talents elsewhere. If the JWS became more secular, many would stay.