Varieties of pie made with lard crusts, real gravy, and fresh butter.
by metatron 14 Replies latest jw friends
Varieties of pie made with lard crusts, real gravy, and fresh butter.
Groups of JWs gathering together solely to enjoy each others' company do nothing to increase the corporation's prestige or assets.
Hence not only is it not encouraged, it is explicitly discouraged.
Heaven forbid that they should even crack open the Bible and discuss among themselves.
I'll never forget the time we hosted a local elder and his family, and promptly after we ate they said they needed to leave because a group was going to the movies. We weren't invited to the movies, however. Thanks so much...not.
Let me guess, was this clown a substitute CO in training? Sounds like something they would do.
WTS so-called justification for
*** jv chap. 16 p. 247 Meetings for Worship, Instruction, and Encouragement ***
At least by 1926, monthly meetings where field service was discussed were called Workers’ Meetings. Those who actually participated in such service were usually the ones that attended. At these meetings, methods being used to witness to others were discussed, and plans for future activity were made. By 1928 the Society was urging the congregations to have such meetings each week. In another four years, congregations were beginning to replace the Testimony (or, Declaration) Meeting with what had come to be called the Service Meeting, and the Society encouraged everyone to attend. For over 60 years, this weekly meeting has been held by the congregations. By means of discourses, discussions involving audience participation, demonstrations, and interviews, specific help is provided in connection with all aspects of the Christian ministry.
This type of meeting certainly did not originate in the 20th century. Jesus himself gave detailed instructions to his disciples before sending them out to preach. (Matt. 10:5–11:1; Luke 10:1-16) Later, they built one another up by gathering to relate experiences they had while engaging in the ministry.—Acts 4:21-31; 15:3.