"the world has never been worse" - not according to this website..

by disposable hero of hypocrisy 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    Great article. Thanks for sharing!

  • love2Bworldly

    Disposable Hero-- thanks for sharing that. I just ordered my copy online, love to hear REAL good news, not the fake stuff in the Botchtower

  • cofty

    In "The Better Angels of Our Nature" Steven Pinker shows very compellingly that we are living in the best time in all of human history.

    Depsite two world wars the 20th century was the safest ever.

  • jam

    Yes things are much better. Maybe someone can post this

    video. Guy brings his white girlfriend to a Harlem Barbershop.

    The TV show "What would you do"? A feel good video. We are

    making progress.

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    My good lady wife's response would be that yes, advances HAVE been made in technology and democracy, resulting in better health care and longevity but people's ATTITUDES and morals worldwide have declined, we're still not safe to walk the streets at night and we have to lock our doors now, compared to the attitudes and morals and respect for parents and authority in, say, the 50s.. Which I would agree with, but I don't agree with wt equating one example of somebody shooting up a school full of kids with "the whole world has never been a worse place to be in". Reporting with an extreme bias. (oh, and bu2b, great point about 1914 back then was supposed to be the END of the time of troubles... Our literature now, or at least fairly recently, heavily promotes pre-1914 era as a golden age that was destroyed by Satan being thrown downdown and promptly starting ww1. Completely different viewpoints!)

  • Watchtower-Free

    The fact that life for humans is MUCH better since 1914 blows Watchtowers theology out of the water.

    Prof. Steven Pinker - The Better Angels of Our Nature: A History of Violence and Humanity


    Life is getting better for humans- Population


    human life is getting BETTER not worse The Joy of Stats


  • Finkelstein

    Making false and misleading proclamations is what this religious publishing house does

    as a means to better commercialize its published goods.

    Of course people are being lured and coerced by the assuming religious nature of this

    organization as being viable and trust worthy and the WTS. exploits that to the fullest.

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Interesting videos wt free, only watched the first one so far but some properly good news in there !

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I read American and British biographies and history. Henry VIII is a big deal for me b/c of common law and the founding of the C of E. When I read, I am always shocked at how often people die so young. Children were farmed out to the country until they were teenagers b/c people did not want to bond with a child they would only lose. The medical treatment for the king/queen is very painful. Sometimes it is so sad I want to scream.

    Things are much better than the 1950s. Polio-down. Diptheria-down. Smallpox-down. Democracies flourish around the world. Former colonies are no longer being raped of their minerals or to a much lesser degree b/c of the UN. Water is cleaner. The second wave of feminism accomplished much. We have a black president. He graduated from Ivy League schools on scholarships. Birth control is available for everyone. When I was born, it was illegal even for married couples. Women have choice. Legal segregation in the South ended. American children aren't hiding under their desks, waiting to die in a nuclear attack. The arts have come far.

    Also, credible academic Bible research is available to normal people. Gay people have rights.

    I know the WT reaction to a lot of these things. Tough luck.

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    I understand the wt viewpoint, that anything mankind accomplishes is short term, only the kingdom can sort problems eternally, I bought into it for decades. But I can honestly say I got more joy, more happiness, more satisfaction, from reading the article at the top of the page than ANY amount of wt and awakes. The thing is, my freshly critical mind is saying 'don't believe the hype, figures and statistics can be manipulated to say what you want them to say, it's all propaganda one way or the other . I just don't believe what ANYONE tells me anymore... :-(

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