Matt.5:28 Just looking at a woman and lusting you committed adultery.

by jam 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Phizzy

    An old English proverb that pertains to this : " It's O.K to look at the Menu as long as you don't eat".

    I am not sure quite how old that is actually, but I heard it over forty years ago , and have lived by it ever since !

    Mind you.the older I get, and with what is on the "Menu"these days, the more I think I would love at least a nibble !

  • ShirleyW

    Remember when Jimmy Carter admitted to that back in the 1970's and he got absolutely vilified by other folks who I'm sure have done the same things?

    Kinda like a few politicians who were quite vocal and called for Clinton to be kicked to the curb, when it was discovered that they were doing the same thing!

  • Londo111

    I believe it is hyperbole and not meant to be taken so literally.


    Just looking at a woman and lusting you committed adultery.



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  • jam

    My father-in law one day was waiting in the car for my

    mother-in law, while waiting a young lady was walking down

    the street in a very short, short dress. My father-in law(in 70's)

    was watching every step, my mother-in law(70"s) comes out and see

    him breaking his neck staring at the young lady. She open the car door

    and smack him with her purse. She ask, what are you looking at.

    He quickly replied, " the young lady in that disgusting dress."

  • jam

    outlaw: that would do it my friend.

  • wasblind

    You are Sooooo Shallow OUTLAW

    All you want from her is her Chicken !?!?






    You are Sooooo Shallow OUTLAW

    All you want from her is her Chicken !?!?.....Men...... .....WasBlind


    .........................................................................................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • jam

    You folks are hilarious......

  • BU2B

    I dont see why people who get married expect their spouse to behave as if every other attractive person on the earth didnt exist, like they were blind.. I mean leering at other people is disrespectful but come on! Just because you love someone and married them doesnt mean your not going to find anyone else attractive. I am not threatened by my wife looking at other men, and she could even give positive comments, dosent bother me! I believe every married person who has a decent hormone level will observe other people, whether overtly or discreetly.

    I have to laugh because one time I saw a JW MS who has a holier than thou attitiude checking out an attractive young lady at the park. I mean turning around to watch her walk away in that tight thin dress and everything. He never saw me. I bet the GB checks out the ladies in brooklyn heights too.. We are humans, not robots. Its all about respecting the person you are with, but both parties should relax a bit and be reasonable as well.

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