am i on?
by gypsyqueen 10 Replies latest jw friends
Will Power
roger that
Yes, you are on. You are being seen.
I read your profile. Look at the bottom of this page and you will 'witness' website hyperlinks. Please, for all your inquiries that may not get covered here, WILL be covered there.
Using the seacrh engines on any keywordss that pop into your head, are highly valuable in gaining insight into this organization and it's history of criminal corruption.
Welcome and happy trails.
Do you, uh, yahoo?
Sincerely, sKally
Hi back.
Welcome Gypsy!
Welcome to the board Gypsy! Follow sf's advice alot of good information can be found in those links below.
When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.
Double Edge
Hi back at you Gypsy! WELCOME, come and sit awhile.
Welcome aboard gypsy.....Hope you get answers to your questions.... -
On *what*?
This is me, gypsyqueen,trying to post a new thread. I am seeking an answere to what amounts to an interpretative situation. Let's say 'A' and 'B' are married. 'A' spends the night at the home of someone, (here known as C), other than the spouse. 'A' denies having intercourse with 'C'. But 'B' now insists on scriptural divorce. Society can't make a call on the whole fiasco. 'A' is not df'd. Body accepts repentance of 'A', but 'B' won't budge. Now, the problem: 'B' and 'A' get really intimate one foggy night whilst the divorce pends. No intercourse occurs. Situation is identicle with 'B' as was with 'C'! But 'B' is married to 'A', but seperated. Finally the QUESTION: can 'B' still divorce 'A' on scriptural grounds or does behaviour constitute RECONCILIATION.