I recall the denunciations of the UN b/c at school we were taught that the UN was the way to world peace. In all these decades, I've never read that they attack religion. In fact, a close friend is an international civil servant. UN employees belong to much weirder religions than the Witnesses. They protect religion. During the late 1950s and 1960s, the UN did what the US wanted. I wanted to be a tour guide there b/c the outfits were so cute.
My big UN memory was during the Cuban Missle Crisis. I still can see Adlai Stevenson making the case after all this time. The UN and the WHO do so much for humans. They were against the League of Nations. As a grade school kid, I wondered what was wrong with world peace. Besides, we all know that the United Federation of Planets emerges from the UN.
Are they truly so clueless about international orgs? How do you maintain NGO and hate status?
Look at some Nazi films. Compare the U.S. Is there no difference?