“The Trinity” – My thoughts
The thought behind the Trinity is not so hard to understand or appreciate if you approach if from a philosophical viewpoint. You must look beyond the obvious. How was it originally to be understood? Genesis 1:26 says: And God went on to say “Let us make man in our image according to our likeness.” What is that Image or Likeness? Because no human has seen God and whoever was with him/her when we were first created, we are left only to examine ourselves for an answer. Reverse engineering if you will. What makes up the image or likeness of a man or woman? It is vital to appreciate first our individuality as viewed by others. Even to our family and close friends it is limited indeed. We are known primarily by name and that name for the most part identifies externally who we are. In addition each of us emulates our own unique characteristics which further identify us to others, specifically to those who know us. But this “self ” which is viewed as singular and seen by others is in reality the sum of other divisions which total in number three. In this lies the mystery. How can the sum of three equal one? The three divisions are in truth only appreciated and perceived by “self ” by you in an intimate way. Who can know your thoughts or more importantly the choices that you will make to do what is good or bad in your eyes? Do we not all give way to thoughts, which are creations of our mind (1), then after the thought, if so desired, commanded by the mind to accomplish by the spirit (2) that thought through the vehicle our physical bodies (3)? All three working in concert make us whole; make us Man or Woman. While plural each of these three, the Mind, Spirit and Body are integral if we are to be called in the singular – Man or Woman. From this we should expect what we call GOD to be no different for we are fashioned in his/her likeness. We are told at 1st Corinthians 15:44 “If there is a physical body there is also a spiritual one.” This verbiage of the “Body” is used because we as humans perceive most everything through our physical senses (earthy); therefore God is perceived by most as singular. The Mind whether in a spiritual body or a physical body is considered that which is un-manifest, hidden, infinite and invisible (The Almighty and = 0). In truth the Spirit is shared in common whether it dwells in a physical body or a spiritual body, it is manifest, infinite, invisible and visible (The Word or First Cause and = 1) and that which caries out the commands of the Mind (The Almighty). With the body comes a separation between what is physical and what is spiritual and between what is male and female. This separation is only from the standpoint of what we as humans can perceive. The principals are the same. The Body is a tabernacle for the Mind (The Almighty) and the Spirit (The Word) to dwell in us. If the body is physical and viewed by other physical beings the body is manifest, finite and visible (Man and Woman = 2). If the body is spiritual ?... we will just have to wait and see and I believe we all have the opportunity to see! Either way if you add the numbers by unit value or numeric value you still get three but in reality one. Is the Trinity such a dirty word viewed in this light? To me it is one of the most true and natural ways of expressing who we really are. Your Thoughts?