So far, not me....
How Many Here Have Ever Been Reproved or DFd?
by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends
do you work for them....?
no offence
I was when i was 21. Got reinstated 2 years later.
them fools have no power over me. Only been in the back room once for calling this kid fat and he told on me. haha
Df'd twice
MINOR reproves. I was a golden boy, so being reproved always ended with a lot of handshakes, jokes, and refreshments.
I was DF'd once and I never looked back (LEAST I BE LIKE LOT'S WIFE). They... quite literally... have spent YEARS begging me to come back.
What can I say? I'm awesome. (And a little too awesome to be in their little book club.)
After I un-DA'd myself had to go to a JC meeting where they decided to except my explanations about deciding to resind my letter of DA but also decided to publicly reprove me and take away my only privledge "to answer". BOO HOO what a joke and the control they try to put over on you just more proof its a freaken CULT!!!
but also decided to publicly reprove me and take away my only privledge "to answer".....Crazyguy
LOL!!..Yep me too..
I wondered how they figured I was going to answer at meetings I wasn`t going to?!..
......................................IS RUN BY IDIOTS!..
once 34 years ago and grateful for it. stil out
i asked if they wanted to disfellowship me but they said no so i said ok.