As you mention this I also wondered about the claim that if a pin-head sized portion of the center of the sun was placed on earth no human would be able to survive within 90 miles of it. I find that claim very hard to believe. What's the hottest temperature ever achieved on Earth by artificial means and was it impossible for humans to survive within miles of that temperature achievement?
But going back to the point about order in the universe. I think that the Watchtower has taken scientists statements about order completely out of context. The limitations of language means that scientists sometimes have to use everyday words but without intending that they be accepted with the everyday meanings. The word 'theory' is an example of this. A scientific theory is not a mere hypothesis. Also, when speaking about evolution, scientists at times use language that, to the uninformed layman, may sound as if the scientists are attributing purposeful intent to natural selection.
My guess is that the order that scientists speak of in relation to the interstellar bodies relates only to the fact that they individually have predictable orbits due to the laws of physics. But if one were to look at the universe in totallity at the most macroscopic scale and with countless billions of years compressed into seconds of time, one would likely see what appears to be a massive cloud smoke or dust randomly spreading out.