No one is absolutely perfect. Human beings cannot be absolutely perfect--it is simply impossible. You see, you have three major racial groups (and many variations). What is perfect in one group is a flaw in the others, and will work poorly if at all. This goes with cultures as well as physical features--what is a perfect culture for one group is bad for another group.
Now, the standard they like to use is the ultimate standard--desiring no fun, no enjoyment, no happiness. A human that had no wish for happiness would be perfect for joke-hova and the draconians. However, such would not be perfect for anyone else. Life under the draconians would be miserable all the time for everyone under them--perfect for the draconians, but not for us. This is the standard that was supposed to be used. Which we know was incompatible, since Adam had desire for fun even before "sinning". Either Adam was not perfect according to joke-hova's standard, or someone is using a double standard. Now, supposedly joke-hova intended to bring Adam's life into perfection by taking all the happiness away, and needed to ban knowledge of good and bad to prepare him (and us) for that. Which would have been perfect for the draconians.
Satan's idea of perfect is different. Unlike joke-hova, Satan wants us to be independent and happy. Sexual activity is part of that. Having material things is another. And developing the ability to work within the astral, raising energy and using it to accomplish what we want, is part of Satan's perfection. Now, such would be incompatible with what the draconians want for us. Stupidity is incompatible with freedom, hence it is the only major sin in Satanism. However, stupidity is perfectly compatible with the draconians and joke-hova's agenda. Hence, the perfect human in joke-hova's eyes would be stupid and slavish. The exact opposite of what Satan's idea of perfection is--which is being able to fully master the universe and its energy.