Band- It will be a cold day in you know where before a woman gets to do any kind of leadership services with our old religion.
If you Believe in the Lord's Supper
by designs 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Band on the Run
I refused to be confirmed b/c women were not yet priests. Menstrual dirt? I am not menstrual dirt. No, I waited years. Ordination of women had been approved. Another student in Pagels' class was going around attending ordination services. I decided to wait for formal ordinations and hiring of curates at powerful churches. Some women were ordained irregularly at Riverside Church. They were told that their punishment was that they went to the back. When those women were ordained, I was confirmed. There were a lot of nuns waiting to be ordained.
Seems many of these Denominations have had to split into Reformed and Traditional branches in order for women to have equal rights in their churches of choice.
When many leave the WT they leave in body only, and retain their fear of others "outside"
Some here on this forum still believe the doctrines of the WT. Entering a church feels like
some kind of betrayal. Living in this kind of "limbo" is isolating and lonely. Thats what makes
the WT tell others " there is nothing out there" " You will be alone and miserable." And this can
become true, and has led some to even commit suicide. Another fear witnesses leave with is
the fear of the "born again" experience; as if it will leave them "frothing at the mouth and insane".
Getting beyond all this is really breaking free. Being able to celebrate life, with others, to sing
and pray, and laugh and connect and be in a group, taking the bread and wine together.
Its the "together" that really counts. The bread symbolizes Christs body, his literal body and
the Body of Christ, you eat the bread to say " I am part of this whole Body of Christ, that is universal,
that includes all believers " You drink the wine, as a symbol of the life of Christ and the spiritual life
he brings to you and everlasting life beyond death and in union with other believers and in union
with Jesus Christ. Its about union, oneness in a single body. The WT has held you at arms length
away from the body of Christ, away from union with Christ and away from Grace. The WT tells you
its only for eight magical men and untouchable mysterious people, to drink the wine and eat the bread.
Its a lie. Its for you, and me and all of us here. And its OK to walk into any church and partake with
those that are there. God sorts out all hearts, its not our job. We are free, set free by the Grace of God.
Being Born Again simply means, enlightenment, waking up from the bad dream, re-birth into a new hope,
raising of consciouness to see what you could not see before, you were blind and now you see,
that IS being Born Again.
villagegirl- Do you feel the same spiritually if you go into a Church of Christ, let's say, that serves grape juice and soda crackers as you would if you went to a church that served wine and matzah.
After I left the Society I met with some simple House Christians and we had Memorial with wine and unleavened bread. The evening started off with a communal meal of lamb. Singing, reading passages. Very nice simple service.
Designs - I know what you mean about real wine and unleavened bread,
but many churches have issuses with alcohol, because of alcholics.
Only Anglicans and Catholics and perhaps Lutherans ? do the real wine
and unleavened wafers, but they are only symbols, and the spirit of God
is there because of the hearts and intention of the people gathered.
Two or more, it says, when two or more are gathered, so your home based
passover type meal and observation with wine and unleavened bread seems
very appropriate to me. I would have loved to have been there.
Gday designs,
you can find information here
That link doesn't work but just google and you wil find information even the EG White estate doesn't deny but miminises any thing negative to Egg White as she is affectinately called.
Interesting 'hard cider'.
Band on the Run
I don't think one person in Manhattan was upset when women became priests. The suburbs had several churches defect. The Bishop had to go to court to seize the church assets. I believe five churches in my diocese changed affiliation. The more Anglo-Catholic ones just became Roman Catholics. When openly gays were ordained, a new church was formed in my PA area. They used a Prayer Book from Henry VIII. I've attended Anglo-Catholic in the diocese and they also use Henry VIII's first prayer book. The cult of Charles I, the great martyr for the faith, is hard for me to take personally. All these Charles I societies co-exist with low churches that only do communion once a month. Frankly, I adore the more Catholic elements in the faith as a way of showing the Witnesses.
I met Gene Robinson on a September 11th 10th anniversary service. He spoke and then led the Portland Gay Men's Choir. The choir members caught the first plane into NY after 9/11 to help. They hired large trucks with needed supplies. Of course, I saw him on press reports. They sounded ominous. He was so nice in person. Very refined and literate. There were about 100 NY Firemen at the service. They were very respectful.
I don't see women priests where they should be. There is no problem becoming the junior priest. I am no longer young. Most rectors are male. When a church does have a female rector, I wonder what is wrong with it.