Can it be said mankind has tried....

by punkofnice 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • metatron

    One of the reasons why China's rise fascinates me is because they are an experiment that AFAIK has never been tried before.

    Because of purges and turmoil, many or most Chinese leaders are trained engineers. This, to me, suggests a different, practical mindset unlike politics elsewhere. The job of governance is a job of fixing problems, often by technology. It may also allow for taking 'the long view' unlike things elsewhere.

    It's interesting to watch. The US will continue to hit with surprises from China.


  • Phizzy

    The job of Government should be to interfere as little as possible in people's lives, to Tax as little as possible, and to ensure their citizens have justice and security. The Government should provide things that no individual or group would be able to provide, huge Arts projects for example.

    A Govenrnment like that, that was also Democratic, as true Democracy has never really been tried anywhere, ever, would be A Perfect Government.

    No need for God of course.

  • Really?!

    I've always found the concept of showing man how awful he is at governing himself before the big J swoops in really sadistic. Even as a kid. It's saying I know you humans suck (even though I made that not what is known as a design fault?!) but just to prove my point I am going to make billions of you suffer before I step in and show you how it should be done.

    But, in theory, who is to say that it wouldn't happen all over again if the the Big A did happen and we were ruled by God etc? If Adam/Eve were perfect and they still f****d up, whats to say when humanity is restored to perfection, it won't happen again? It could be like groundhog day. The cycle repeating itself for all eternity. Something to look forward to.

    As I don't believe in that and think it is totally screwed thinking, back to punkofnice's question. Who knows if mankind has tried all kinds of government? We probably don't as much of it probably pre the modern age wasn't recorded. Maybe large government is not the best form of society anyway for humans. Maybe we function better living in self sufficient tribal systems a la the tribes that still live in undeveloped parts of the world.

    Sometimes I like to ponder the idea that this world we currently live in is purgatory itself, so it will never operate properly, and its the next stop on the journey where we will all go "wow, that sucked!".

  • KateWild

    Some governments are better than others. Some democratic governments are not truly democractic either. But does that mean humans have tried everything, no as Oub said, there are fictional political ideas out there that heven't been tried. My view though is that any man/woman that has power becomes corrupt.

    Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. We need to be governed by different people all the time to prevent this from happening. I remember ther was a scandal in the UK that Tory back benchers were fiddling their expences, during this time there was a drive to crack down on benefit fraud.

    Tory back benchers go a slap on the wrist and benefit frauds got a custodial sentence. IMO this was all very corrupt.

    None of this means that WT way of ruling is any better, in fact its worse. Sunning and the RI process are wrong, and so is protecting paedophiles. There are too many flaws in WT policies to make them a good government.

    Kate xx

  • snare&racket

    I think we are still a million miles away from true democracy and true communism has never been attempted anywhere.

    I am a liberal socialist and I think the world is heading in the right direction, but capitalism needs to get it's dirty paws off democracy, it belongs to us, not them.

  • stillin

    There is still one sort of government that has not been tried. A long-term Benevolent Dictatorship. oh, yeah, that's what the Kingdom is...

  • snare&racket

    Go work in bethel for a month to see what power in WT hands looks like......

  • Maat13

    The real test of man governing himself will not come about until the farce of religion is shown. Out of that chaos, the like of things never seen before will emerge.


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    A government that bans religion is a dangerous tyrant. The people are capable of making this decision for themselves. It is not a function of government - ever. James Madison wrote about this long before the US Const'n. Basically, the states were too diverse for any one religion to be accepted. Church and state should be separated. I have no rights if I deprive my neighbor of an important right. People complain about government. It is an American belief. Things could be better. We have the ability to bring change within our present system. The const'n can be amended. Consider other systems and the US is a paradise.

  • snare&racket

    Band on the run.... should hate groups who promote violence, unequality and persecution be banned?

    What if a religious group becomes that?

    I am alll for free thought and free speech and freedom.... should we stop people that intefere with other peoples right to these things?

    In america religious people have blown up hospitals, killed doctors, killed gay people, voted in restrictive draconian laws.... a kid was kicked out of school last week because she looked too much like a boy for the religious schools liking.... its 2014! They quoted scripture for the reason they booted her!

    I hate the idea of banning anything or anyone, but there has to be a line drawn when we encroach on other people's freedoms....

    It is a difficult and uncomfortable conversation and I have no issue with religions existing at all, but any group or movement affecting their neighbours freedom is an issue, be them religious or not. It is a touchy subject for sure....

    I am expecting....what about someone's freedom of worship....COOL... no problem, but no worship trumps someone else's freedom.

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