Band on the run.... should hate groups who promote violence, unequality and persecution be banned?
What if a religious group becomes that?
I am alll for free thought and free speech and freedom.... should we stop people that intefere with other peoples right to these things?
In america religious people have blown up hospitals, killed doctors, killed gay people, voted in restrictive draconian laws.... a kid was kicked out of school last week because she looked too much like a boy for the religious schools liking.... its 2014! They quoted scripture for the reason they booted her!
I hate the idea of banning anything or anyone, but there has to be a line drawn when we encroach on other people's freedoms....
It is a difficult and uncomfortable conversation and I have no issue with religions existing at all, but any group or movement affecting their neighbours freedom is an issue, be them religious or not. It is a touchy subject for sure....
I am expecting....what about someone's freedom of worship....COOL... no problem, but no worship trumps someone else's freedom.