So I used to think that all witnesses believed the same exact thing but I have heard some claims that they believe things I'm not familiar with. Do you know if it's true?
Are all JWs united in their beliefs?
by enigma1863 42 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I've wondered how many JWs if pressed would say they believe the story of Jonah and the Big fish was literal.
Theory: All JWs believe the same thing.
Reality: JWs aren't even sure what they believe. They'd have to check the current WT to know. For example, according to the WT Study article being considered in all congregations this week, there is now a new group of anointed ones! Previously, we had a group of those that were anointed "in or before" the year 1914. They are the first group of those that comprise the "Overlapping Generation." The second part of that group are "anointed contemporaries" of the first group. They were anointed after 1914, but before the last of the first group died. They are part of the "Overlapping Generation." This brings us to our third group. They are ones that evidently accepted the "upward call of the Christ" AFTER the last anointed one of the first group died. As a result, they are not "included in 'this generation' of whom Jesus spoke." - Watchtower January 15, 2014, p. 30-31, paragraphs 14-16.
Now wasn't that clear? Or did you find it a wee tad confusing? Either way, I"m sure you now understand the difference between the theory and the reality of the situation when it comes to the question, "Are all JWs united in their beliefs?"
With JW beliefs changing as they do and being explained as they are, it is clear that there is no way in the grave 1 that JWs could possibly all believe the same thing.
While I'm at it, this makes me wonder if the newest addition to the Governing Body, Mark Sanderson, is even part of the "Overlapping Generation," but I digress ....
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1 - Revelation 6:8 rNWT, Footnote
All Jw's have their brains turned off so it doesn't matter what they believe, that would require them having to reboot and then ask their elders for an update on what to believe. This is too much work so as for now its easier to stay in coma mode.
No JW are not unified in their beliefs. I met liberal and orthodox JW who had diverse opinion on numerous issues ranging from resurrection (would be Sodom resurrected? What a JW that own answer) to issue of gender identity to dealing with autistic children. When I moved around the world, JW outside my native country were even more crazy and weird. In a general JWs are hesistant to express their own opinion, they go back to WT and KH to ask what is momentary important and explained by current light.
The Searcher
I've "converted" a few to the truth about Romans 6:7 speaking about a figurative death, as well as the fairy story about "new scrolls" at Rev. 20:12!
Hi. I am new to this forum. I also joined another forum where mostly current JW 's like me openly discuss GB / WT doctrines. Why there?? Well as most of them do not believe all the doctrines published but as this doubt is not 'allowed ' they / we discuss the scripture in the forum. I guess like here. So to answer the question :obviously not. Many left because they had different views, others remain for various reasons. What I do believe is that most JWs are sincere in their love for their creator.
Oubliette, you said..
"With JW beliefs changing as they do and being explained as they are, it is clear that there is no way in the grave 1 that JWs could possibly all believe the same thing."
Spot on!!!
Band on the Run
I was never taught core doctrines even though I came from a family of Bethelites and overseers. My first knowledge came from this website. I certainly learned what they were against - almost anything precious. I would be surprised if perhaps one brother in my KH understood any doctrine. I grew up in a Northern city. We had to attend a ghetto KH that was primarily black. This pattern continued at Yankee Stadium conventions. I thought one good thing was that the Witnesses were very integrated compared to other churches of the time. A circuit overseer came over for dinner. My parents had pioneered in the South. I heard that Southern Witnesses were very segregated. I was so young yet I told the circuit overseer that this was very wrong. Jesus' statements alone forbid segregation. He justified it with white people being comfortable. I told him I was comfortable with black people. It shocked me.
I know that some charismatic people can take an entire KH with them when they leave.
I'm sure there are some differences, but in the main they all think the same.
Pick almost any topic and every JW I know will say the same thing about it, using almost the same words.
It's like talking to Fred Franz.