Jgnat: good video. Mine does the same grabbing the leash when we walk. And my puppy is bigger than that dog lol
does anyone gave experience with a puppy that nipps/mouths consistently?
by unstopableravens 28 Replies latest social family
I like the long line training because it teaches the dog to follow voluntarily, and to be alert to your commands. There's not this constant, irritating tugging and correcting. Lots of happy puppy love. Good dog.
Of course, the dog is on a short lead in public areas, for his protection.
Jgnat I agree:)
Awsoe video.'I learned so much from this video. My dog needs a ton of training. She loves to carry her own leash.
Band on the Run
Our dog nipped after her puppy years. She never hurt. Well, one time with no notice, such as a growl or cry, I bent down to talk to her. She grabbed my nose in her teeth and backed up. It hurt physically and emotionally. Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisperer, is controversial. I don't know whether to believe him or not. When I first watched his show, I was so impressed that I researched him. Tons of vet schools condemn his methods. After I read the articles, I saw aggression. He said that it is crucial that a dog learn never to touch human skin with teeth. It might have something to do with bites. Every dog had one free bite at common law. After the first bite, you would know your dog's propensity to bite. A second bite could mean dog execution. Now there is strict liability. One bite could be curtains.
If you research dog training on the Internet, you will find a host of warring methods. I imagine it takes a long time. Rascal was never trained properly b/c we all interacted with her. I would stick with it b/c everyday you will love the puppy more. My sister's dog never wanted to sleep in the house. He would wake up at 3 am and bark loudly. Neighbors called the police. He was one more bark from execution. A bark collar was the solution.
Band I understand what you mean !
A tap on the snout with a firm no usually does the trick.
Its typical for pups to be a bit bitey when they are that age in their development.
A little constant training works wonders over the long run.
Remember your the master and the boss and that has to be set in their minds for
pretty much the entire life of the animal.
Band on the Run
Yes, be the alpha or the dog will take over. We knew nothing when we had Rascal. Love seemed to be the perfect way to raise her. Indulgence. On the other hand, how many generations of humans just raised dogs. Now you have to read all sorts of books. I don't know. All I know is I would be devestated if the police or animal control came for my dog.
There was a little boy in some British colony who had a nice looking dog, sentenced for execution. He appealed to Queen Elizabeth. She was the only one who could reverse the decision. The dog's neighbors did not find the dog cute. Despite her corgis, Queen Elizabeth did not help the poor dog. Princess Anne is in trouble for one of her dogs.