Scary College Graph (or Why JWs Are Freakin' Broke)

by metatron 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • FatFreek 2005
  • blondie

    Of course you are assuming that if jws had the money they would donate husband did accounts in 3 congregations all with different financial statuses, there was very little difference in the donations, enough to make the bills and not much for New York. When the mortage was paid off in one, the elder said that they rank and file did not have to donate so much any more. The other elders audibly gasped, but the damage was done. That congregation barely paid the uitlities after that for 2 years.

  • Divergent

    Snare&racket, I live in a big city in Asia.. just stating what I am observing here

    I know this may not be the case where you are, but don't simply dismiss what I say just because you ain't here to see it for yourself

    Peace, bro =)

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