I've been considering doing a "this week in JW" Podcast myself.
EX JW Podcast
by snare&racket 14 Replies latest jw friends
Gypsy Sam
What about covering Other science related issues? For example, GMO's and vaccinations?
I am noticing an increase in people I personally know, not vaccinating their children. I also notice quite a few former JW's that I grew up with posting on Facebook articles against vaccination. Although my daughter is already 16 and received all typical vaccines, except the recent HPV, I'm interestedin this issue and all the misinformation that seems to spread.
happy to cover science sam, but it wont be a medical show or provide ANY medical opinion....and regarding vaccines there is plenty of easy evidence to access, showing the results of vaccine use and dangers of not using it. Anyone denying vaccines that may risk a childs life based on facebook posts are not going to listen to a science podcast.
A great source for all things medical is patient.co.uk I send all my patients there for info and advice.
Good idea baltar, more the merrier.... if you are happy to put your name down as a guest sometime just ket me know.
Mickey mouse
Sounds good. I thought it was a great shame that MadSweeney stopped doing his podcasts.