The inevitable memorial invitation

by Really?! 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Really?!

    I knew it was coming. I'd managed to swerve it once already when I saw the paper invite laid out all special in my mothers kitchen when I arrived at her house..I avoided the kitchen for the rest of the visit.

    Had the family over this weekend, we were alone whilst preparing food and I knew from the second that the tone in her voice changed what was coming. The usual words along the line of "I invite you every year, I've got the paper invite to give you as well (like that would make a difference?!), you don't have to come (gee, thanks!) but...*deep breath and dramatic pause* the KM said last week that ""this MAY be our last"" *excited expression and expectant gaze*.

    Wow. I thought it was so sad. That someone (I am sure my mother's reaction is representative of the feelings of many JW's) could be so excited and hopeful about such a vague statement. This "may" be our last... I guess that they are holding on to this and thinking that Armageddon is actually imminent. I know that my family have prepared their "go bags". I felt pity, but didn't express this of course, just smiled and said "thanks for the invitation".

    How can be people be so gullible? Oh, wait a minute, that must be the relentless indocrination and/or controlling people with fear. You could almost laugh...except its our family/loved ones and there is little we can do to penetrate their thinking.

    They think of us as lost, but I think of them as the lost ones. Missing out on so much in the very short life that we all have: deep, loving and unconditional relationships; learning about other beliefs and cultures, respecting them for what they are and marvelling at the diversity of the human race; educating yourself in a subject that interests you/you have a deep passion for and maybe even using this knowledge to financially support yourself and your family; travelling the world and experiencing the wonders that exist on our amazing planet first hand (and not just look forward to doing it in the "new system"); and maybe even pondering, yes pondering, ideas about what else could be out there/what happens next when we shuffle off this mortal coil.

    I thank god/whatever higher power is listening/the godless, empty eternity of space which caused the human race to be here by accident for: the gift of freewill/freethinking everyday. What would we be without it? Which brings us back to the memorial invitation...

  • NVR2L8

    I don't get a direct invitation from my still active wife...she just left an invitation sheet on her dresser for me to see...she absolutely avoid discussing any JW matters because she doesn't want to hear my point of view.

  • Really?!

    NVR2L8 They don't want to hear any point of view that is different from their own.

    Why bother with the memorial invitation anyway? My memory of things is starting to get a little sketchy as I've been out for 20+ years, but its because it will more likely make you get saved in Armageddon right? If correct, that thinking is also so can attending the memorial yearly count for anything? So you can be a "bad person" all year, in terms of hurting others, being selfish etc go the memorial and increase your chances of being saved; or be a "good person", not go to the memorial and get hit by a big ball of fire when the time comes?!

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Yes, the indoctrinated mentality is that attending the Memorial is like having a good luck charm - it's going to save you!

    However, the opposite is true, as one sister's answer highlighted this morning - "Those who refuse to listen to us are signing their own death warrants."

    Such ones don't even think about the implications of what they say & think - they are personally judging everyone who does not have their corrupt mindset, courtesy of the GB!!

  • Really?!

    Thought they don't believe in good luck charms/superstition...

    "Signing their own death warrants" well Sister Judgemental, don't hold back will you! Sounds like your morning meeting was sooo much fun and sooo enlightening!

  • WishingLiz

    Yesterday, I too received the call - an email from my sister, after a year of little or no contact (and she just lives down the street), asking if i would like to come over...(lol, kind of like me with posting here ...)

    But seriously, thanks Really for posting this. It gives some comfort knowing we're not alone. I've also been out for decades. It's so odd how they can turn something inside out and twist it into something that it isn't. I would (and have) gone just to please them, but I can't take the looks of presumed 'pity' and sympathies saying we miss you. They just look on us as being lost, when it's actually them. If I could find a way of going with respect and dignity, I might try it again. But unfortunately they won't be able to treat others with respect, it's too bad.

    My 2 cents.

    Wishing you all the best.

  • Phizzy

    Personally, I would never set foot in a K.H again for any reason. I have not had one shoved through my mail box as usual this year, perhaps they realize it goes straight in the trash ?

  • clarity

    Superstition at its best!


    Again, ... people being driven by FEAR not love.



  • quellycatface

    Please excuse me if I offend anyone.

    I hated the Memorial.

    It felt like a funeral.

    Much nicer services in the church I go to now.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I think we've been blackballed completely - we don't even get an invitation! And we live in the same house in the middle of the same small town, just down the street from some active dubs...

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