*unscriptural - I knew it didn't look right when I typed it
Is Modern Marriage Unscriptual?
by wearewatchingyouman 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Once I decided to have a bit of fun with a JW (well, many more times than once) and when he told me that baptism performed in a church would not be recognized and that they must be baptised as a JW because churches are "Babylon the Great". I asked him if he married his wife while they were witnesses. He didn't. I asked if he were married in a church. He was. I pointed out that unless he get married in the kingdom hall he was shacking up with his wife, since Babylon the Great had performed the marriage so it wasn't valid to Jehovah.
He backpedaled a bit at that point and tried to do a straddle. It was pretty funny at the time.
Julia Orwell
Marriage was so often a way to align two families and produce heirs to royal lineages and that. In poor classes it didn't matter so much so marriage could be for love. These days marriage is about publicly pledging your love and having civil rights. People here tend to live together and maybe even have kids, and then get married later on. Those relationships have the same legal recognition unless you're gay, which is why gay Australians want legal marriage options.
wearewatchingyouman - "Is modern marriage unscriptual?"
Sure; Jesus never told the Samaritan well-woman that she had to break up with her live-in boyfriend.
Seriously, though; given the context it was written in, then yes, a case could definately be made that the way marriage is conducted these days is "unscriptural", for the simple reason that we don't regard wives as property.
That being said...
...if you're creative, determined, and enough of a douchebag, you can find a way to label almost anything "unscriptural".
Band on the Run
You are assuming you are correct about what Jesus meant about vows. We don't know. Maybe you are. It would take a lot of research into Jewish life in the first century. He may have been referring to specific vows. His first miracle was at a wedding. Jesus references brides and bridegrooms a lot.