Strange WT contradictions and backpeddling

by TR 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBear

    Hello TR.

    It has always struck me how blatantly dishonest the society has been regarding the summer (white house) vacation home of Predident Rutherfraud. Your quotes prove that assertion.

    I remember being very excited about the 'prophetic' expectation of seeing the ancients of old...coming back...baggage in hand, looking for a place to stay. Even though it never happened, as a good little jw boy...I recall thinking to myself, well the Judge was just off on the dates, they will come back at anytime. Childish fantasy...but he got away with it!

    Beth Sarim to me is absolute proof, that this organization was founded upon nothing more than several very talented 'salesman'...who stooped to whatever 'lie' or misrepresentation, to get what they wanted. How else could the Judge raid the general funds of the WTBS to build his California Casa, without embellishing the project with God's purpose on earth.

    'Why yes brothers, Iam stealing $150,000 to build my home...but Iam doing it for Abraham, David, Daniel and all the other ancients to use!' If you buy that Fred Hall you need to see a shrink, and fast!

    TR, your tracking the publications as regards this voodoo hoodoo the reason the WTS is so afraid of its old publications. Any wonder?

    Thanks for the effort.


  • Scorpion


    I never thought of that.

    Edited by - Scorpion on 19 February 2001 22:26:15

  • TR

    Examination of Beliefs

    If you find a lie, forsake it regardless of who teaches it; it is your duty to God. (RICHES p. 178)

    If you have been in an organization that teaches things contrary to God's Word, forsake it. (RICHES p. 179)


    Do not criticize the organization. If Jehovah permits it, who are we to insist it should be different? (WT 5/1/1957 p.284)


    Edited by - TR on 19 February 2001 22:50:26

  • TR

    False prophecy

    "It is not persecution for an informed person to expose a certain religion as being false." (WT 11/15/1963 p. 688)

    "Similarly, the 'false prophet' is not a person, but is a system or an organization." (WT 6/15/1974 p. 381)


    "At times explanations given by Jehovah's visible organization have shown adjustments, seemingly to previous points of view. But this has not actually been the case...'Tacking' into the wind..."(WT12/1/1981 p. 27)


    "Christians cannot be wishy-washy, going back to the same teachings they had rejected earlier." (WT 5/15/1976 p. 298)


  • larc

    More History,

    Rutherford taught that in 1925, the end of the world would come and the 16 faithful men of the Old Testemant, mentioned in Hebrews the eleventh chapter, would set up a world capital in Jerusalem. Well, things didn't go as planned, so later the Judge (Rutherford that is) said that these "ancient worthies" would return before Armageddon and he had Beth Sarim built in 1929 for their eventual lodging. In 1939, William Heath, member of the Coca Cola family and Rutherford's private secretary, built a slightly larger mansion on the adjoining propery called Beth Shan.

    Beth Shan had a bomb shelter concealed by a hidden trap door. There was a large enough water system on the property to hold enough water to last for months and two fire hyndrants to protect the buildings in case they were cut off from outside resources. There also was a 4,000 gallon diesel fuel tank for power generation and a 425 foot well. There was another bomb shelter in one of the out buildings, also hidden by a secret entrance. This mansion sat on a bluff and could only be reached a long dirt road. The road was gated and guards on horse back kept trespassers out. At that time, Rutherford believed that Hitler would defeat England and the US and that American cities would be exposed to biological and chemical warfare, besides bombing. Beth Shan was constructed as a place of refuge for Rutherford and his elite, for when the great tribulation began.

    The deeds to both mansions with a total of 100 acres of land listed the 16 men of the Old Testiment as the rightful owners, with the WT holding them in trust until their arrival. Beth Shan was sold in 1945, after WWII ended and Beth Sarim was sold two years later in 1947.

    Since there is no value in letting a mansion sit empy, Rutherford spent the winter months at Beth Sarim from 1929 when first built until his death in 1942. When he died, my aunt Berta and Nathan H. Knorr were at his side.

  • larc

    A few more details,

    The deed for Beth Sarim was signed on December 24, 1929. Rutherford wrote in the deed that he could use Beth Sarim as a residence until the "ancient worthies" arrived. Thus, he spent his winters in a mansion all during the Great Depression while much of the rank and file where living in poverty.

    After Beth Shan was built in 1939, there were rumors going around about something happening on the proverty. A year after completion, the Watchtower (6-1-49, p. 162) stated that "unreliable people" were saying that Beth Sarim was being expanded to provide a place of security. It said that JWs should "circulate the kingdom message rather than the false imaginings of others." This was a clever lie from the WT. Something very significant was being done on the property, not to Beth Sarim, of course, but to a larger, better designed structure, Beth Shan. In their denial, they made the rank and file feel guilty for listening to a (true) rumor, by replying with a deceptive answer. This has been a common tactic over the years. Use deception and blame the rank and file for their questioning.

    Although Beth Sarim is mentioned several times in the WT literature, Beth Shan is only mentioned once. This is a very vague description of the property, with no indication of what was going on there. (Consolation, 5-27-42)

    After the properties were sold, the concept of the ancients' early resurection was not mentioned in the literature again. Even so, there were witnesses, who believed ten years later that these Old Testement men might return at the 1958 world assembly in New York.

  • mommy

    I am impressed thanks for all the info, it must have taken some time to get that together. Can I make a confession? Growing up I never once remember hearing about Beth Sarim, this is all new to me. Now I know why!

  • larc


    The WT reference above should be 6-1-40, not 6-1-49.

  • mommy

    Just a thought, if they can sign over property to men of christmas past. Can I get one of them to cosign a loan for me? Proving they will come back and pay for it, using scriptures to back it up? LOL

  • larc


    You mentioned above that you remember this belief of the resurrection of the Old Testemnet faithful. Do you remember what year that was? As I mentioned, I heard it as late as 1958. I understand that Fred Franz tryed to dispell this belief at a convention on the east coast in 1953, but this was not put in print, and his message did not reach the heartland.

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