The moment the leadership of the WT (a publishing company whose purpose was originally to produce pamphlets and books to edify Christians) first made the claim to be Gods sole channel of communication for dispensing biblical truth here on earth. That not so discreet assumption has now left them wide open to 'everything they teach as Truth'. As a result, every time an error is exposed or a teaching is changed, their credibility will continue to be affected. Let's say they had never claimed to be Gods sole channel of communication, that they continued to offer their thoughts in publications that were written simply to edify Christians faith; and like the other bible student groups allowed each congregation the autonomy to be led by the holy spirit as it was in the first century...... I am sure things would have been much different.
The watchtowers biggest mistake
by Truthexplorer 17 Replies latest jw experiences
If you can convince millions of people that everything you say is from God and thier salvation depends on following you(because its from God) then you can very easily control those millions of people and make tons of $$$$$$$$
Jeremiah 28:15 And Jeremiah the prophet went on to say to Hananiah the prophet : " Listen, please, Oh Hananiah ! Jehovah has not sent you, but you yourself have caused this people to trust in a falsehood "
" Nu light " did not spare Hananiah , And it won't spare the lies taught and adjusted as the truth by the WTS
Found Sheep
Is it about $? I don't know?
Band on the Run
I don't understand why the Bible Students did not stop them immediately. It is a grandiose claim, unproven by any fact. If my neighbor made such a claim, I would consider calling the ambulance. The Bible is sufficient. I can only imagine that Bible Students, too, had screws loose. There were mass defections. People are too polite to Witnesses.
Jesus had a hard time convincing people he was the Massiah
and he raised the dead. To convince people that you are the
sole channel between God and man, without walking on water.
That's a hell of a scam.
LOL@ JAM Sure is
The biggest mistake...I have always thought it was ending paying for the publications by the rank and file.
Let's not view the Bible Students through rose colored glasses. Early Watchtower magazines point to Charles Russell's Studies in the Scriptures as the definitive authority on the Bible - and was the only publication being used by Jesus to spread "Truth".
If they (and later Rutherford's Jehovah's Witnesses) wanted to only print Bible study aids for people, they would have remained a Christian publishing house. Or they could have taken it one step further and created a New York mega-church.
Instead, by seeing themselves as the human representatives (and future kings) of God's heavenly government - with the only way, truth and (new) light - the WT leadership put themselves into a pickle. They gambled with the pickle and it has payed off - with an amazing amount of loyalty by the faithful membership to the WT organization and it's Governing Body.
In their eyes, remember, they don't make mistakes.
cha ching
Interesting insight (and funny) TruthExplorer!
lol, haha, so funny BandontheRun.. "If my neighbor made such a claim..."
so true so funny so sad.