Do I don't think preparation time is really a thing they are doing. That was just a funny made by another poster
New field service rules coming this summer
by doinmypart 101 Replies latest jw friends
I think that reg pio time will drop to 50 hours and aux pio time will be 30 hours....soon™.
How many years has it been since they dropped from 120 to 90 to 70?
They'll make it easier for more folks to pioneer™ and the only way is to drop the hours.
Jes sayin....
Why, just having a Bible and Watchtower literature in arms length from you means you are ready to allow the Holy Spirit to direct you to "deserving ones." So of course you can "count your time" traveling when you carry a Bible and literature, be it in your car or on public transportation. Also, count time at work- all of it. You have your tracts and Bible with you, you are ready to defend the truth at a moment's notice. The Holy Spirit will use you if a "deserving one" crosses your path. How about keeping the literature near you when you sleep? Maybe a wrong number will wake you up at midnight and you are ready to preach with enthusiasm. Pretty much, except when you shower or watch television, count it all. COUNT IT ALL!!
So that's 23 hours a day for some. At least 18 hours a day for most.
30 days a month times 18 hours is 540 hours. Heck- take Thursday off and watch BIG BANG THEORY. -
Sorry OTWO but Big Bang Theory isnt christian material, it has sexual themes and fornication in it, oh and they all believe in evil-ution. lol
Oh man!
so that was a fake letter?
Ok, here is what I am gonna do:
I will print it up on an official "governing body" letterhead, and pin it quietly on the notice board!!!
how do you think this will go down?.....
Who cares if it is 2 billion or 20 billion hours. The measure is how many new publishers. The more easy hours, the more inefficient it shows it to be.
They should be like Mormons and encourage the rich to donate to support the pioneers (by donating to headquarters). Then they get more money and more efficient conversion rates.
Welcome back Paul! (Jwfacts)
We have missed your comments here on the forum!
I reckon you are correct...the society is just thinking about numbers of "active witnesses".
A relaxing of counting measures like this just means more could be counted as active!
They are just so watchtarded. They have to make things easier because the JWs are aging! I am getting old and I was born after the '69 Awake about NEVER getting old was published! This years RC speaks of entering the kingdom, lame. with one eye, ect..
I told my BOE that the legalism surrounding "sacred service" was wrong. At the time I believed that the WTBTS was just a bit off track, so I said, " Many of our brothers and sisters are going to have to limp across the finish line. They can't do anymore than they are doing." So a short time later, the Eldub leading the witch-hunt against me, makes a comment at the WT. He says, [ imagine the dead zombie-like voice of the Elder in the DF and suicide video] " We don't want to just limp across the finish line.."
Now the WTBTS is being forced to acknowledge that many are struggling. That's what happens when a religious sect that was never meant to exist past 1914 is kept alive by sucking the souls of humans. Also, the finish line is imaginary, except for the death of loyal dubbies.