Because they don't know what to do and they want to numb the pain . Especially for bornins.
Is it common for Jehovah's Witnesses to turn to alcohol when they realize the Watchtower is a scam
by Watchtower-Free 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Band on the Run
I am certain it happens. It is very hard to exit after lifetime. There is so much new stuff to learn tha others take for granted. Altho I wanted to party so much, my first parties were hell. Self-medication is prob. a strategy.
I think it would be worse when a person doesnt know ttatt. They would be stressed out all the time feeling guilty that they aren't doing enough and would turn to booze to try to cope. Knowing its a scam is mentally freeing to a certain extent although it brings new challenges to the table.
In my experience, JWs turn to the bottle long before they figure out TTATT.
Actually escaping JWism quite frequently reduces the need for alcohol as a crutch.
It is common for those who are still active JW's to abuse alcohol. But you are right, for a born-in as I was, to walk away was so painful.
I had to change my whole world-view, I had to leave behind my whole Social circle, who I had known for six decades, and I had to struggle for work, as much of my business came from JW's while I was in.
It was also painful to face my own mortality as I never had before.
I did not though change my drinking habits, I have always drunk too much ! at least from a Doctor's perspective, but my intake did not increase much, just a little, because now I could drink on what had been Meeting nights, bonus !
My advice to any leaving is not to try to dull the pain with drink or meds, but to find a good Therapist, who knows how to treat ex-JW's, or, if this is out of the question, get some good books on how to handle trauma, emotional pain, and depression etc
The prime thing is to use your new found freedom to move on and build the best life you can, and enjoy it !
I don't know if there are stats available.
For me alone, I was a drinker when I was in the filthy, disgusting cult. I don't drink alcohol much now.
It depends if you have used alcohol as a coping mechanism before or abused its use. In my experience, many JW's are heavy drinkers as it is the only vice overlooked by the religion. Even in bethel, drinking was a big problem.
How many people get disfellowshipped for drunkenness, never heard it happen.....yet it is mentioned in the verses used to excuse disfellowshipping specifically AND most JW's get drunk very regularly.
Once that crutch has been established, stressful events are going to lead to alcohol abuse.More than a glass of wine a night is doing damage to the liver of a woman, not much more for a man. For some reason it is not taken seriously.
A JW relative was talking the other day about how I don't drink and that JW's drink a lot, like it was confusing to him. They assume we leave and hop onto heroine and whiskey and get aids.... In reality they live the hard life, stressful life, guilt filled life.... once we leave, we just live...
I think it is common for many to turn to alcohol when they realize they are at or nearing legal age.
In this case, better being a JW than a Mormon.
Rub a Dub
My ex is a heavy drinker and a JW in good standing. He drinks in the mornings in front of my son and lies and says it's apple juice, but my son can't see the apple juice container, just empty larger cans.
When drinkers have to lie about what they drink, they know they are overdrinking.
Kate xx