Studied with JW grandma for 3 years and went to meetings, I have now seen the light!

by yogosans14 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • yogosans14

    Hello all. Im new here and Im 17, going to turn 18 in 1 week. I studied with my gradma the bible teach book and went to meeting with her and other relatives (considering most my relatives are JW except my parents) and I believe in all of it because I never read the Bible for myself. After reading the Gospels I started noticing contradictions in the JW doctrine like when Jesus said MANY would dine with the patriachs in the Kingdom of Heaven (yet only 144,000 Jws can) which would seem odd considering the fact he adressed this to more then the apostles. Also scriptures like John 20:28 was an eye opener, thomas calls him his Lord and God. The Scriptures were Jesus mentioned eternal punishment was to much to deny it. Once I just didnt believe in it anymore and knew all of it to be a lie I started searching but I never abandoned my faith in God (like many have here, no offense) but I thought the Catholic Church had it write since they are the "first Church" and eventually have realized the demonation doesnt matters, its faith in Christ what matters. I have studied the doctrines of "Christendom" vs the JWs and "evil Christendom" has won every single time. The doctrine of the trinity makes complete sense when you study it in depth. Genesis 1:26 God says Let US make man in OUR image. Also in Acts 5:3-4 the Holy Spirit is called God. He also speaks, intercedes, and is a believers adovocate. Jesus in 8:58 (in the greek) actually should read I AM not "I have been", that is why the Jews wanted to stone him!He claimed to be God many times even the NWT does a poor job of hiding it. I have been saved since 6 months I believe and I am born again and I will one day see the glory of Heaven (just what I believe I realize most here are atheist). Its been so freeing to be able to read the Bible without someone standind over your shoulder telling you what it "really" says. It all makes sense now and I understand it just fine without the watchcrap magazines.

    Anywheres theres a lot more to say but I dont have the time to type it all. Hope you enjoyed me story.

  • snowbird

    Hello and welcome, Yogo.

    I, too, am a believer, and hope one day to look upon the Face of God.

    You are a wise young one to have figured all that out for yourself - with aid of the Spirit, of course.

    I am so happy for you, and look forward to the day when my daughter will be free!



  • cofty

    Hello Yogo - well done on spotting the contradictions between the bible and the teachings of the Watchtower.

    When I did the same back in '96 I also made the assumption that my fundamental beliefs were true and became a born-again christian. For 9 years I was overjoyed with worshipping and praising Jesus and learning about christianity in some depth. For a while I was a lay preacher at a medium sized evangelical church.

    It eventually occurred to me that I had never really wrestled with my most fundamental beliefs. I had assumed there was a god and that Jesus was who he claimed to be and that the bible was god's word. I could defend those beliefs against the sort of weak attacks we were taught as JWs but I had never really exposed them to the very best opponents of theism.

    Keep an open mind. Seek out the very strongest opponents of faith and dare to face up to the really hard questions. Maybe, unlike me, you can save yourself 9 years.

    Welcome to JWN

  • love2Bworldly

    Good for you to get out now while you're young! I am not into religion, but know that the JW's make up a lot of stuff that is not really what the Bible says. I wish you much luck on your journey.

  • villagegirl

    I like the bit about no matter what denomination all believers are

    acceptable and part of the whole body of Christ I might add.

    Now go forth, and use the talents you have been given, you are

    analytical and like reading , how about going to university ?

    Keep studying, find your strong talents and develop your skills

    and really live an abundant life.

  • snowbird


    Use those analytical and deductive skills to make this world brighter for yourself and others.

    May the Holy One bless you and keep you.


  • BU2B

    Welcome to the forum.. Yu sound like a strong and intelligent person to see through the lies of the WT by simply reading the Gospels. Jesus words condemn them. I Look forward to your contributions to the forum- BU2B

  • John_Mann

    Welcome Yogo!

    Now the JW's have a Trinity too, three generations makes just one generation.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle


  • Honesty

    Hello Yogo and welcome to the board.

    I was trapped in the cult for a long, long time until I started reading the bible (a real one, not that apostate JW 'bible') without the Watchtower beside it.

    I am also became a believer when I read Romans chapter 8 one night and realised that without Jesus I am nothing. I started praying to Him ( a big NO NO in JW land) and experienced His love as He enetered my heart.

    Keep looking at Jesus and no one else.

    I am a member of a Baptist church but denomination does not matter as long as they teach that Jesus is who Thomas said He is... My Lord and My God!

    I also came to believe that the trinity is true when I compared the Bible with the trinity teachings of Christendom.

    Thank God you found out the Jehovah's Witnesses are wrong while you are young.

    There are many JW's who have wasted their lives for 60-80 years becauuse they didn't read the bible alone and without a Watchtower to guide them through it.

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