Do any of you sometimes experience difficulty in shaking WT teachings? Like it intrudes in your daily life and thought and some things that may be alright, now you feel as if they're wrong or you plain just don't know. I know the WT is a lie but I haven't lost my faith in God, I know he's there but it's hard knowing whats the right thing to do. For all of you who still hold the faith in God, do you celebrate birthdays or holidays? If you do, how were you able to see it was okay outside of the watchtower influence? And for relationships, I'm totally lost, I know premarital sex is a no-no but as far as everything else, how its suppose to go, I'm completely lost. And for careers, I don't know how to even go about that, WT tells you to stay low to the ground, and I although it may feel wrong, I still feel bad about trying to shoot for the Stars. Idk if I'm asking too much from you all but I'd love to hear your opinions and advice on this. I feel so lost. Also, how were you able to shake the "the end is near", "armageddon", fear from your life? Again, any advice and opinion would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Advice, Opinions, Please!
by mellojello 23 Replies latest jw experiences
Every change takes time, be patient. As a JW you are used to get answers, now you must learn how to ask questions. I will try to help.
First of all what makes you belive there is a God? Why has the Bible to be his book? What makes you think Armageddon is near?
Do some research for your own, a great place to start is
Here you can find some information about "Last Days":
Listen to this talk about violence:
So do you still think amgdn is near???Also an searching alternative ethical systems may help. I would suggest reading R.W. Emerson and Ayn Rand.
Jon Preston
What i hate most is lack of friends....looking out at the big bad world with all the prejudice youve developed the workd looks impossible to deal with....then you start to realize that its not nearly as insane as they make it.
I've always had a sense of faith in God due to my environment but it really came alive when I started studying with the Witnesses but I think it was mostly through fear. Now, I'm trying to rebuild my knowledge and keep faith but its a constant struggle each day. The whole Satan is going to get me thing wears on me and its hard to shake it. I don't trust anything or anybody. I go on JW facts to read and it helps but the fear and emotions are still there. Thank you for the links, I'm going to check them out.
Depends how long you have been out methinks.
I have been out 3 years and was like you at first.
Then I reasearched stuff for myself and now cannot believe in god although I still did when I left.
Takes time is all I can say.
@Jon That is the worst part, especially since good friends are hard to find.
@punkofnice I can understand the "cannot believe in God" part. Sometimes I feel that exact same way and then I feel SO BAD and I generate hate towards the Watchtower and the organization cause they might have forever ruined that for me.
I shook the Watchtower's armageddon crap by reading Matthew 24:36-51.
It also helped me realize that the FDS is just a parable contrasting a faithful servan of God with an evils servant of God.
The Governing Body won the evil servant category over 1000 other entrants.
Holidays and birthdays were no problem when I read Genesis 40:20-21 and realized the Watchtower concentrated on the negative outcome instead of the positive.
What helped me most was throwing out of my mind everything the Watchtower teaches and reading the bible starting with Romans, Ephesians and Galatians and then the gospels beginning with Matthew.
It still took a while to shake the demon inspired Watchtower's influence, so don't give up.
Frazzled UBM
mellojello - The WBTS can really mess with your head. Have you considered counselling? You appear to still be carrying a lot of WBTS baggage, including phobias. Talking it through with a professional could help you face up to your fears. Good luck Fraz
Just give yourself permission to go with the flow.
If god exists and reads hearts you will be fine.
@Honesty I just read that scipture. Thank you for that! I won't give up
@Frazzled I have actually but I stopped going because I didn't think I had that big of a problem but as I go along I guess I kinda do.
@Punkofnice Alright. Thank you for the advice :)