<!--google_ad_section_start--><p> This is crazy. Is this browser making a liar out of me now. It appears that my sentances are posted with spacing </p>
<p> that could make mini paragaphs. But looking at my post for quite some time now my post have no paragraphs. </p>
<p> Right now I am testing what is going on I have not paragraphed yet. But the next sentance will be a pragraph. </p>
<p></p><p></p><p> Ok. I skipped at least 3 lines. Will the spacing show up when I hit submit? If it does please ignore this post. </p>
<p> I cant understand why all of a sudden. It would start posting in paragraphs. But if it is, I am happy about it. </p>
<p> I will space one more paragraph to see if things are working better now. Next paragraph coming up. </p>
Jgnat. The above is the second posting I made on this thread. It shows there should be lot's of paragaphs.
But there are none.
<p></p><p></p><p> Here we go 3 more spaces. If it post formatted with space, I am sorry for wasting everyones time </p>
<p> Here we go I am going to hit submit. If there are 3 paragraphs I don't understand why all of a sudden </p>
<p> It starts paragraphing this is windows explorer 11. </p><!--google_ad_section_end-->