What do you like about K Halls?

by philo 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • crittersitter

    my younger(devout) jw sister lives in an old kh. i guess the bro's needed a bigger better place.
    any how, they are living in it rent free, but have to renovate it in lieu of $$$.
    i have not been there since my mom passed away, but remember the lay out. the master bedroom has been installed where the platform was. they kept the step up. i'll bet the platform is getting some action it never has seen before!!!!
    i just saw some humor in this.....

  • TruthHurts

    I think some Kingdom Halls are impressive, if a little drab, considering they are built very quickly and stay built. My KH has windows, but they are tiny. I think natural light is a lot better than electric light for reading, but as usual the cheap skates at the WTS would rather watch their bank balance increase than pay a little extra for windows. Sad.

  • trevor

    What do I like about Kingdom halls?

    1) They are closed more than they are open.
    2) They all have exits
    3) Most in Britain are centraly place in town centres and walking distance of a good pub.
    4) They are good places to catch up on sleep.
    5) I don't go to them any more - so I have banned myself from commenting on this thread again.

  • JAVA


    Welcome to the group!

    They have no windows and very low ceilings

    The windows (or lack thereof) was the first thing I thought of when reading the opening post. We had windows in the old KH I attended, but they had bars covering the outside, thus I felt like I was in jail. Of course that should have told me something, but that's another topic.

    I believe most of the newer KHs are built without windows for various reasons. I think this says a lot about the mind set of the JW community. The JWs think they are the only religion on earth who are being persecuted, so the newer structures are windowless. Gee, I wonder if any are surrounded by crocodile-infested water and a drawbridge?

    I attended a Unitarian Church built in 1913 a few years ago that had wonderful stained-glass windows. The windows didn't have the usual biblical themes, but the old stained-glass windows were awesome with the sun shining through them! I've never been to a KH that radiated a spiritual setting, much less windows pleasing to the eye. The topic of this thread is "What do you like about K Halls?" Come to think about it--NOTHING!

    PS: I read trevor's post after sending the above. I guess there are a few things to like about KHs after all.

    ---JAVA, counting time at the Coffee Shop

    Edited by - JAVA on 20 February 2001 12:58:48

  • LDH

    Must be a regional thing, cuz all of the halls I've been to with the exception of one or two have tons of windows. I know some of the halls in urban areas don't have windows because of threat of break-ins, robberies, vandalism etc.

    But it's not just KHS. About a mile from where I live now, there is a HUGE church, must be 12,000 sq. feet. It's BRAND NEW. It's painted the dingiest gray you have ever seen...no windows anywhere. I get depressed just driving by...

    Ha ha, when we remodeled our old KH (the one I grew up attending) there was a 'decorating committee'--made up of older sisters whose entire home decorating scheme consisted of silk flower wall arrangements and tacky pictures, lol. (If any of you girls have ever been to a 'Home Interiors' party you know what I'm talking about.) The color scheme was, of course, pink.

  • SixofNine
    i'll bet the platform is getting some action it never has seen before!!!!

    Oh thanks CritterSitter, it's not like a guy like me actually needed another "do it in odd places" fantasy! But I sure got one, lol.

  • waiting

    Hey y'all,

    I've been to various KH in Indiana, (big city & little towns) - no windows.

    In SC, 4 new or newly renovated halls in our city - no windows. We have the Make a Choice 1,2,3 color schemes also. But that was better than some of the sister's choices of *brilliance*. However, the brothers thoughts on making it look like a hospital wasn't much better. The vote was made for #2, btw.

    The new hall is quite nice. Some *worldly* fools stole the air conditioner within a month (couldn't have been a brother) and some other *worldly* fools tied a rope around pillar trying to bring the overhang down within days of building. Vandalism does happen.

    The Salisbury, NC Assembly Hall is gorgeous - beautiful large windows, plants, gardens, unused cafeteria, etc, on many manicured acres.


  • normie67

    you know what I really like about KHs???
    The chairs!!!!!
    Especially the old KHs withthe Theatre seats.....soooo comfy!!!
    The new chairs are fun too the have those little black squares on the backs of the chairs...soo fun to pull them out!!!!!!!!
    maybe thats just me???


    Looking Around For That Square Piece of Plastic...................

  • alias

    LOL@normie – nope, you aren't the only one who enjoyed pulling out the little plastic squares! I *always* put them back tho.

    Here's a question... did any of your KH's have good drinking water or did it always smell bad?

  • philo

    Hi Java
    Thanks for the welcome and for your comments. You all seem a friendly bunch -- so far!

    : in the old KH I attended, but they had bars covering the outside

    I wonder if somebody planning such halls didn't envision sitting out Armageddon, among a congregation of JWs (crapping themselves with fear), IN the kingdom hall.

    : I've never been to a KH that radiated a spiritual setting, much less windows pleasing to the eye.

    You could have read my mind there. And this fits in with the low ceilings. When you look up at the ceiling of a cathedral or a church, you have a sense of something beyond the ordinary, beyond yourself. It's similar when you look up into the canopy of very tall trees. You are small, you actually feel your smallness, but you retain your sense of the infinite.

    OK so I'm losing it a bit. But that's how I feel.

    But when I look up at any kingdom hall. Do I sense anything like that, No. Instead I am reminded that God is RIGHT HERE. HE made these ceramic ceiling tiles (10 inches from my nose), HE is speaking through his mouthpiece from the platform -- so don't you even try focussing your eyes beyond the material/organisational things of your surroundings.


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