Nae chance! Haven't been invited either
Anyone going to the memorial this year?
by Pyramid God 36 Replies latest jw friends
I will, just for the sake of my elderly mam...
I'm here in Pakistan for the memorial and while I know there are JW congregations here, I have no intentions of attending a memorial or anything else at a KH or any JW venue.
going cause I'm still mid-fade.
mac n cheese
Ugh, yes.
Spouse is physically out, but still very much mentally IN. At least we are inactive, but as far as doing anything else like normal people rather than JWs, NOPE.
I really think this is how he's going to be forever. I just need to decide when I should start kicking up a serious fuss about all this nonsense and what I'm willing to do about it.
Mac n Cheese
This will be the 20th anniversary of the last Memorialâ„¢ I attended. After the way I was treated that night, at a time in my life when I needed support and encouragement the most, there is no way I will ever put myself through that again.
I technically could go - I have no plans for Monday evening - however, and I can't stress this enough, I have no desire to participate in a ritual that perpetuates a religious delusion.
I have not been in KH for almost 20 years, so I am not going.
Julia Orwell
Hell no. I had an emotional breakdown at last year's one, my last meeting ever with jws and the end of my rapid fade. Not gonna pit myself in a situation so full of crap it makes me cry!!
I have not been invited, but would not go anyway.
Will attend to please the wife, as i do for every meeting....sure they Will again brag of how many people were there but it's life....