I am trying to look at it from a believing mates perspective. They married you as a JW expecting you to continue as one. If you have kids, she enjoyed the stability of both spouses being united.
When you learn TTATT, you find out the WT is a dangerous mind control group and lies to its members and is hypocritical. When your spouse finds out your feelings, many feel betrayed saying "your not the man/woman I married" or "I wouldnt have married you if you wrent JW" remember the 3fold cord BS? Then \they go into momma bear mode, viewing you as a threat to the kids everlasting future. They may view your not going to the KH as a violation of the marriage bond. If you "leave Jehovah" whats to prevent you from leving them too?
I feel for JW spouses, including my own in that situation. On the other hand, we change and grow and reserve the right to change the way they feel about things when we get information we did not have previously. For a person to deny their spouse the freedom of thought and freedom to change their mind is wrong. Yet I still feel somewhat sad for them. We have woken up to TTATT they have not. They do not see it. They may never see it. It sucks that we awakened JWs cause our spouses this turmoil, yet to be true to ourselves we must be ourselves.
Once someone learns TTATT, your spouse has only 4 choices.
1. Be married to an actor going through JW motions half Ass knowing it is BS
2. Stay married to an unbeliever and face the embarrasment of being a spiritual widow.
3. Leave the unbeliever and hope they move on with their lives so they can be free to remarry.
4. (Best case) Spouse wakes up later on once they see that their loved one has not changed, or improved without the cult influence.
I welcome your thoughts- Rant over.