This is ludicrous. The statement about the tract in the Bible IS seriously huge. Wow. The audacity of this man!!
What do they have against the word grace? I really, really don't get it. Look at the Greek...the word used means grace. If you plug in undeserved kindness in a translator, it's not even close.
What do they have against Jesus? This seriously pisses me off. As mean as it is, I want to be with Jesus when these people come before Him in judgment. But, at the same time, I don't want to be anywhere near them, the Bible translating committee, or anyone else that has had a part in altering the word of God and the false prophecies and the altogether false religion doctrine.
I saw a picture from a Watchtower (2013 I think) that seriously tells it like it is. It's a picture of the earth, with heaven above. There are angels, there's Jehovah on the throne and then on the earth? The GB is on top of the world, all the others below them - branch, elders, etc. and the average publishers are at the bottom of the barrel. So, so true and the message intended is clear. Just one question. Where is Jesus in this picture?? Nowhere.