Did anyone in the congregation discourage you from going to college?

by Trapped in JW land 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    My mom encouraged me to be a maid! She used to drive us through an upscale college community when she was upset. There are mansions with fantastic views of the NY skyline. The houses were such a contrast to where we lived. I don't where I became so college crazy.

    I find it amazing that so many of us did finish college. Some here have science and engineering degrees. When I suffered in PA's Bible Belt, locals were upset by my vocabulary. The word "reciprocity" drove them crazy. Do you know all the word lists I memorized for countless hours? I also was not allowed to reference books, newspapers, or magazines. It is not only the Witnesses who worship ignorance.

    This was a Mennonite stronghold. I am curious about how Middle America deals with issues. My background is not typically American. So many times I wanted to start walking to Philadelphia or New York. Daniel Boone walked everyplace on the TV show.

  • wasblind

    Three Elders in the Hall I attended all had children

    that attended Universities, These Elders did not lose

    thier position in the Hall



    Sadly, the children who took the advice of these elders

    now work along side thier parents at the nearest

    chicken shack



  • GrreatTeacher

    I was definitely discouraged.

    Once I was married to a lovely non-JW I started my community college adventure where I got my AA degree. Then I had a kid and started to work on my BA when he was about 5. I graduated from a state university when I was 37 years old. I'm now 42 and I'm finally starting on my Masters degree.

    It's made a world of difference in my self esteem.

  • blondie

    I did not go to college because

    1) I had to help with serious family problems, really serious and I had to get a job earning money

    2) I could not afford college then

    3) A bomb was set off at the university I would have attended that year

    4) Not everyone has the means to go to college

    5) But when family was sorted out and I could afford it, I paid my way (BTW in this area and many in the US have scholarships and grants for older students)

    So if you were discouraged, it's not too late to go back and get schooling/training. Many colleges/universities/government agencies have programs to help older returning students.

  • GrreatTeacher

    I also have to say that it's a crime to take a very bright child and deny them the expansion of their intellect.

    I walked away from the WT when I was 19, but had been bright enough to understand every bit of doctrine. And also bright enough to realize there was a problem with that doctrine. I was able to realize that there was some manipulation of logic, though I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Just based on that, I decided I needed to get out. Best. Decision. Ever.

    Then with the advent of the internet, it all started to make sense. They were manipulators. It verified for me what I had had a gut feeling about years earlier. I was so glad I had made the choice I did.

  • Oubliette

    To Blondie's reason #5:

    You go girl! What an awesome example for everyone that feels that they missed out.

    • It’s Never Too Late To Be What You Might Have Been, attributed to George Eliot

  • blondie

    I will add no parent is legally obligated to pay an adult child's way through college. That ends at 18 unless there is some divorce requirement for one parent to do so.

  • ABibleStudent

    Good for you Trapped in JW land! No body else knows better than you what is in your best interest and will make you happy.

    I wish you the best in successfully getting more education/training to qualify for a successful career that you will enjoy. "Critically Think" for yourself by doing independently and thoroughly researching what you want, making your plans, executing your plans, and adapting them as needed.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Finkelstein

    The WTS. supports human ignorance because they know that intelligence and knowledge is their extenuating enemy .

    All they want to see in their members is reading and writing skills and perhaps basic labor skills to build or renovate

    Kingdom Halls or other WTS. owned properties.

    Universities and colleges are godless places that should be avoided .


    There goes that propagating fear once again.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    All the divorce papers I've ever seen, including for poor residents of Harlem, included orders for college support past 18. My father was going to pull me out of high school to punish me. The local grocery store, where I was supposed to bag groceries my whole life, would not have allowed him to monitor me. I believe lawyers and judges are gung ho about college. My parents did not oppose it but it was not encouraged. I notice that people who attended elite prep schools and colleges will make any sacrifice to have the same advantage for their children. Strangers encouraged me.

    B/c I was a student newspaper editor, I knew a bit of the law governing older teens. Also, I knew ACLUs lawyer and Kunstler would take my case. My plan was to speak to the judge my heart and soul. Even my nasty teachers would testify on my behalf. I had enough savvy regarding local politics to know that no elected judge in NJ was going to deny me an education. Altho my politics were radical, I planned to become a good American.

    I had older women in my classes at Barnard/Columbia. Most had been coeds and married for love. They were so sophisticated and friendly. It was great having an older person around who was not a parent or a prof. There was no way I was going to drop out and marry after listening to them. One of the most popular students at law school was 64. We used to sing Sgt. Pepper when talking about him. He had a thriving business until he handed it over to his sons. They ejected him. He was going to start another business when he graduated. Much later, I met older students at a community college. I was one of the older students.

    I feel there are abudant resources for scholarships and grants in the USA. Of course, Congress can not fund these programs. In fact, I saved money by attending a prosperous college. If I had to pay state tuition, it would have been a sacrifice. I could cry when I see poor people paying tuition at a for-proft school when they could go to a much better place for less money. Every decent college should make arrangements. In fact, I had a small inheiritance from my father. My family had no experience with manipulating the system. I was told that it was time for me to visit Europe for the summer. Witness me going to Europe. I had a plane ticket in two days time. Other parents bought Mercedes or had the house remodeled. I always fear that some working class or poor student is going to feel that they can't afford a first rate college. There are things I postponed b/c of money. Today I would suggest that the college call alumni for a loan.

    I have a following among young people based entirely on rock'n'roll. It is never too late to finish something. Certain things are easier at certain ages. College is hard for almost anyone. So many people here accomplished so much at a young age with family not supporting them. I wish I had the chutzpah now than I did then. Of course, I've met craftspeople who do very well.

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