Hey folks. Just need to check in.
Due to an injury, I had to start taking some pretty powerful pain killers and stayed on them for about 1 1/2 months until I finally had surgery this past Wednesday. Now it's time to come down off these 4mg Dilaudid pills (6 - 7 pills a day).
In my past I have kicked the alcohol, cocaine and cigarette habits. Those addictions are several years behind me. I remember the feigning, the craving, the desperation associated with not having those drugs. I'm not experiencing that with this Dilaudid drug. I can honestly say I have no urge to take more. That's a HUGE card in my favor for beating this thing. I'm not psychologically addicted, but I have a strong physical dependence.
I've been stepping the drug down slowly. I plan on taking three 2mg pills today. Even with that, I am having some pretty severe withdrawal symptoms- the worst one being an overwhelming sense of gloom, uselessness, and suicidal thoughts. The entire weight of my exit from the WT organization and the loss of family has landed on my shoulders the last couple of days and I feel like I'm about to crumple.
I understand the mechanics of withdrawal. My logical mind knows what's going on. Unfortunately my logical mind is not the most in charge right now and I have spent the morning crying over the most ridiculous things.
I'm pretty disappointed that doctors prescribe this stuff without providing a plan of action for coming off of it safely. I'm having to navigate this on my own and I don't know if I'm doing it right. I only know that I want to be free from the cloud I'm under.
If any of you have any experience with this drug please chime in. I could use some advise.