Yet they baptize and df children...

by cultBgone 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gentledawn

    A. Morris to parents of 16yr olds: no baptism = no drivers license (1 min 35 second mark)

  • KateWild

    I fell for it. I always believed I was giving my kids the choice. But I have to admit, when my daughter left, I didn't shun her, I was awake but still in myself. But I don't think I would have shunned her if I was still mentally in.

    It would have given me an opportunity to listen to her reasons, and then I could have quite possibly woke up myself. My son told me a few months ago he is an atheist and stopped praying.

    Many parents think they are giving their kids the choice when they are clearly lying to themselves.

    Kate xx

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I always heard at KH and read in the WT how no good RCs were for infant baptism. JWs baptize mature people only. There were no child baptisms that I recall in the 1950s and 1960s. If the convention was at Yankee Stadium, they would use Orchard Beach. I wonder what changed. I love infant baptisms. The congregation and godparents promise to support the child. People don't even care about baptism as some divider of good and bad.

    Yet another time they copy the RC Church. Now the baptismal vows are so different that no other church will accept the wording. I don't see much difference between infant baptism and baptizing a six or ten year old. Also, the baptismal gowns for infants are so beautiful.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    GentleDawn ... Thank you for posting the YouTube of Anthony Morris.

    He mentions he has sons and told them, " You want to get a Driver's License at 16, but you are not ready to get baptized???

    Hey Anthony. Isn't that called, making fun of someone publicly???

    Dedication is suppose to be a "private" matter, with baptism the public confirmation.

    In California, a man cannot legally marry until he reaches the age of 21.

    A marriage can be a lifelong commitment, but it is more serious than driving a car.

    They call children, children because that is what they are.

    Teenagers are called teenagers, because they are between the ages of a child and an adult.

    Back off, Anthony.


  • Giordano

    Yet they Baptize children even though the human brain is not fully developed until the mid twenties and that is especialy true for the prefrontal Cortex.

    The Prefrontal cortex is the front part in the frontal lobes of the brain, at the front of the motor and pre-motor region in the brain. The Prefrontal cortex is behaviour cognitive oriented region that monitors ones personality, decision making and restraining social behaviour. The brain region is in charge of the examination of thoughts and cause of action with respect to ones internal aspirations. No child nor teenager has a fully developed Prefrontal Cortex that would allow them to understand that they may change their minds about being a JW and will be punished for life if they do. Interesting that Jesus got Baptized when he was 30.

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    Marked. Lurkers, you know this is an outright lie.

  • stuckinarut2

    I wasn't physicaly forced to get baptised!

    BUT I can tell you this for a fact: If I had not gotten baptised at 16, I would have been branded as a failure, an unspiritual drop kick, a no hoper, a loser etc....

    the pressure put on young ones is extreme! And as young ones are naturally so concerned about how they are perceived by their peers and superiors, it makes most get baptised.....

    It is as clear as that!

    I bet that if you asked most witnesses why they got baptised, it was peer pressure and feelings of expectation put on them!

  • DesirousOfChange

    Check out the length of the skirt on the "sister" at 2:27



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