Last year I decided to attend the memorial. I came in last minute and ended up sitting at the end of the row. When the symbols were passed out they skipped me and gave to the person next to me. I was in shock for a second... seems there's a BOE letter from the past that speaks of this modus operandi for df'd at the memorial. Anyone familiar with this? What's the scriptural base for this?
Looking for BOE letter regarding DF'd at memorial
by Dutchdelight 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What is scriptural basis for anything this cult does?
Why bother going?
I'm not saying I'm going. I'm just curious how they come up with this rule and for what reason. My bro is an elder and he told me they have an instruction for this. A df'd guy in his cong experienced the same thing, the guy never set a foot in a hall again after that.
The Searcher
If you had sat in the MIDDLE of the row, would the server had called out not to pass it to you? :)
Would love to see that happen - what a great witness to all the non-Witnesses!
That's my point too Searcher. If you sit in the middle it's no problem to pass the symbols, otherwise it's just ehm weird.
After the memorial I asked an elder why that happened. He said he should've told me about this before and that they tried to put me in the middle of the row to avoid this situation, but I came in seconds before the start and as did others. I was trying to be polite and let the others take seats before me.
I have atteneded a Memorial when DF'd, and we all passed the emblems, we were in and out like a shot. I was confused and learning about TTATT at the time and thought I would never be RI'd, if this had happened to me it would have helped me learn TTATT quicker and maybe my exit plan would have been clearer earlier on.
It doesn't surprise me that some elders bring it on themselves to do this kind of research into WT policy to make things more difficult for DF'd ones. It really depends on who your loved ones are as to whether or not you are helped to get back in after being DF'd, many can write a letter after less than 6 months and get RI'd, other attened meeting for years and write numerous letters before they get RI'd.
The whole RI process is unscriptural and harmful.
Kate xx
Yeah I know Kate, I gave up on RI process over half a yr ago. After all the lies I've been told and the 'love' I experienced I just couldn't stomach it anymore. I needed to get my life back on track the RI procedure was sucking away all my energy.
There is no biblical basis, just as there is no biblical basis for passing the bread and wine.
Disfellowshiped ones are not to be considered as part of the congregation. This would be reasonable if it just ended there (and biblical). However, the d'fd one can participate with the rest of the congregation in various forms of worship, such as singing and praying and as brought up in this case, also in participating in their form of memorial (unless you're sitting at the end of an isle).
And the weirdness just gets weirder...
After all the lies I've been told and the 'love' I experienced I just couldn't stomach it anymore. -Dutch
I am sorry you have had a bad experience but it has led to to leaving the cult. How are you doing with moving on? Are you attending the Memorial tonight?
Kate xx