How many did NOT get invited to the Memorial?

by Ding 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 4thgen

    A sister went to invite my mother to the memorial but got worried when she didnt answer the door so she called me to see if she was ok. She mentioned to me why she went to see her and told me the time. I am not sure she would have called me if my mom answered her door .

  • notsurewheretogo

    I never got invited still-in wie went though and even she told me to stay at home!

  • Jeffro

    There was some low-grade Watch Tower Society paper in my mailbox a few days ago. I guess it was probably a Memorial invitation. Didn't read it.

  • Heaven

    I did not receive an invite this year.

  • Incognito

    We ended-up receiving a nonvite.

    A nonvite was placed in our door yesterday, the day of the 'event'. As we had no advance notice, by the time we arrived home from work, it was too late to attend even if we had wanted to - not that we wanted or intended to.

    A true invitation is provided in advance of an event so that the invitees can arrange to attend.

  • DeWandelaar

    Me neither... Not even by my wife... Lolzzzz

  • WTWizard

    They didn't bother wasting the time and paper in my apartment complex. I guess the Easter decorations were too much for them--what are they afraid of, Astaroth? Which is definitely someone to NOT be afraid of--especially if they can handle that beady-eyed monster joke-hova and its filthy angels (including grays, reptilians, enemy Nordics, and the draconians at the top). And they cannot handle a Demon that is only trying to help free the whole human race?

  • Paulapollos

    I haven't been spoken to or contacted by a witness or elder since the day I got disfellowshipped - I presume they think I am a lost cause. Which is wonderfully reassuring!


  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    Anyone with a no junk mail sign.. It figures.

  • KateWild

    No invite for me. My daughter got an invite, but didn't go and the elders called to her house Sunday probably to invite her again. She just said "no thank you".

    I got a bunch of tulips from a lovely sister the day after the memorial. Some JWs are truly thoughtful and kind, just trapped in a cult.

    Kate xx

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