Sex really that bad?

by Batman89 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Batman89

    I was just thinking randomly

    Why/how are sexual desires really that much of a sin??

    Sexual energy is one of the highest forms of energies known, why would God put this strong desire in us only to have us repress it through his"word the bible"??

    What are your thoughts on this?

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    You have already gviven the answer.......the high energy of sexual desire......of course religion have to try to control that energy. If religion cannot control that energy it cannot control anything. That's why religion and sex is so connected.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    We have evolved sexual desire and pleasure to help grow the human race. People with a tendency to enjoy sex happened to have more children. Voila!

    Religions put feelings of guilt around sex to try and control their members. It's not just bible-reading religions. It's all of them.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Sex is something that must be enjoyed responsibly because there are dire consequences for being reckless. Some view it as sin yet some treat it as a sport and yet others abuse it like a druggo abuses drugs. It's a powerful urge and not inherently bad. It does need to be controlled though, just as the urge to eat chocolate mudcake every day and wash it down with chardonnay must be controlled or you get fat! Like every good thing, sex has a place and must be respected. Religions regulate it because sex takes energy and emotion away from them. If you're happy and content inside, why would you get excited about mass or a district convention or a tiring trip to mecca?

  • Vidiot

    Authoritarian leaderships have always disliked sex; they would rather redirect that energy towards the process of advancing the regime's agenda.

    Think about it... would a sexually satisfied and content populace be as inclined to forge and expand an empire as much as a repressed and frustrated one?

  • Heaven

    Sex is awesome.

    Anything awesome is evil to religions. As a JW, if you are engaging in sexual activities you aren't out in Field Serve-Us or getting indoctrinated reading their litera-trash or going to a meeting.

    Sex can lead to children which will also take time away from the Borg's agenda.

  • mouthy

    SEX????????What is that ?????

  • sir82

    Sex really that bad?

    Rather like pizza....even when it's not that good, it's still pretty terrific.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    " Sex really that bad ? " ......if it is bad you are doing it wrong

  • cantleave

    There is nothing wrong with expressing your sexuality. The people who say there is, are living their lives by ancient edicts that have no relevancy in modern society, and wish to impose their twsited values on others.

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