How isnt anyone connecting the dots?!?! Ugh memorial.

by Jon Preston 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    Tonight the talk was giveN and he speaker talks about the TWO hopes, i roll my eyes. Then he talks about how the evening meal is onky for the elite 144,000. I think to myself "Why the hell does Paul say in 1 corinthians 11 when hes referring tothe ENTIRE corinthians congregation (right?) that they should do it in rememberNce of Christ?"

    Then the speaker goes into the usual rant aboud how the work of Christ is being done in 200 and something lands...and i then think "Is this Christs memorial or a dick measuring contest?" Still unsure.

    And of course my favorite part about how these 19 million people are just basically observers and not partakers of a covenant Jesus instilled as a sign of his sacrifice, his blood, his flesh , for all people....and he uses ZERO scriptures to back up the claim!! So Witnesses get together to NOT commemorate a thing instilled by early Christians....I feel like i grew a tumor while sitting there...Lordy

  • prologos

    speaker: "concluded a covenant for a kingdom--after judas left-- "when in fact that promise was made earlier Math 19:28, "-- you [including the yet to be excluded Juda] sitting on 12 thrones---" and

    AFTER the memorial was finished.

    speaker mixing up, confusing the NEW covenant with KINGDOM covenant.

  • Oubliette

    JP: "Is this Christs memorial or a dick measuring contest?"

    It's pretty hard to tell the difference. Let's suss this out.

    I'm not particularly long, but I am exceptionally hard and I can last an exquisitely long time.

    Christ, as you know, is allegedly coming soon. So far, he's a no show.

    I, on the other hand, have maximum staying power. Just ask my very satisfied lover. You don't need to ask why they keep coming back for more.

  • villagegirl

    Jon Preston - I think you summed it up nicely- LOL-

    never seen a "measuring contest" like the one you refer to,

    but it does describe about 90% of what I have heard from

    the platforms at Kingdom Halls. 19 million "observers" as in,

    look and don't touch?

    And no explanation how anyone arrives at "two hopes"

    or what it has to do with following what Jesus asked us to do,

    which was to actually drink the wine and eat the bread,

    as a group act, signifying we are part of his body,

    as one hope one faith, in the body of Christ.

    So how do they go to all this trouble to arrange

    this meeting to then, miss the point of it, entirely ?

  • prologos

    villagegirl, the memorial is over, but the show is not

    I is clearing and the shady moon, Mars are hanging to your south west quarter-ways up from the horizon, enjoy.

  • 88JM

    Jon Preston - They even read Romans 8:16,17 to try separate out the "anointed" but conveniently omit the preceeding verse 14:

    "For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God"

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    Oh romans was a good...and another favorite part i forgot about was this little gem: "It doesnt jist explain what hope we have but also what we MUST do to show appreciation for this sacrifice"....i about spilled my cookies.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    "Is this Christs memorial or a dick measuring contest?"

    Didn't you do the Watchtower lesson for this past Sunday?

    There is an entire section devoted to Christ "strapping on his sword."

    I have a feeling the answer to your question is: Either way, Christ wins.

  • Heaven

    Then the speaker goes into the usual rant aboud how the work of Christ is being done in 200 and something lands.

    Guess the Amazon isn't one of those lands 'cause it looks like they've missed these people - Amazon Tribe discovered in 2008:

    Amazon Tribe Discovered in 2008

  • Crazyguy

    they really do cherry pick the scriptures and at my event the speaker was going on about all the 19 ,illion people then it turned into a comercial for the ORG all about its books and the meetings then the holy website. Made me think "went to the memorial and a JW comercial broke out" . The bread sucked probably home made but the wine was good, very good.

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