Tonight the talk was giveN and he speaker talks about the TWO hopes, i roll my eyes. Then he talks about how the evening meal is onky for the elite 144,000. I think to myself "Why the hell does Paul say in 1 corinthians 11 when hes referring tothe ENTIRE corinthians congregation (right?) that they should do it in rememberNce of Christ?"
Then the speaker goes into the usual rant aboud how the work of Christ is being done in 200 and something lands...and i then think "Is this Christs memorial or a dick measuring contest?" Still unsure.
And of course my favorite part about how these 19 million people are just basically observers and not partakers of a covenant Jesus instilled as a sign of his sacrifice, his blood, his flesh , for all people....and he uses ZERO scriptures to back up the claim!! So Witnesses get together to NOT commemorate a thing instilled by early Christians....I feel like i grew a tumor while sitting there...Lordy