Active JW's are pushing the End Times boulder up the mountain day after day with an imaginary goal of Paradise for their efforts. The prophetic dates roll over them and crush them again and again. So, they just keep at it until their empty, shallow life collapses.
Ex-JW's are motivated by anger, unfairness, disappointment and a victim's curiosity for what went wrong.
The TRANSITION from active JW to EX-JW spins a person out of control because everything changes cataclysmically.
The solution to the problem is passionate enthusiasm for REBUILDING your WORLD VIEW to include your own goals, hopes, dreams and the use of your talent, interests and curiosity FOR YOUR OWN BENEFIT in the here and now.
Creative people are productive people for a reason. They have positive enthusiasm! Their passions get things done!
Destructive people burn themselves out passively without a plan to change things. Then, in frustration, they lash out chaotically.
Inventors invent things while destroyers smash things.
Artists create Art while bangers settle on graffiti.
1. Passionate people are early risers who can't wait to get started doing something creative. But, unproductive people stay in bed because there is nothing to fuel enthusiasm except dulling their senses.
2. Creative problem solvers are just as agitated, moody and emotional as destructive people--except for the fact they are solution oriented. Their laser-like focus is forward on tomorrow, not backward on the wounds of yesterday.
3. Passionate, active people know their purpose in life is their choice to make, create and sustain. Blame-shifters wallow in failure with a hundred excuses for who did them wrong and who stands in their way. They are obsessed--not with success--but with unfairness.
4. Successful people risk failure, give up pleasures to attain goals, delay gratification for future rewards and stick with the Plan. Unsuccessful people are risk-averse, avoid facing the future and tend toward dulling their senses with mind altering activities.
5. Passionate people are enthusiasts with projects, active hobbies, students always learning new skills who are working on something important to them. Idle people drift along content to be entertained, distracted and amused with things to be done piling up around them without focus.
6. HAPPY people are tight-rope walkers in life who have discovered the sweet spot between full-throttle, everything-on-the-line activity and stillness, mediation, reflection, repose and inner peace. UNHAPPY people crave wretched excess, sensory overload and mindless distractions only to completely spin out, crash and begin the self-destructive cycle by making the same defeating choices over and over again.
As an EX-JW your life belongs to YOU now. Your hopes, dreams, desires and talents are in YOUR hands.
Get busy creating a good life well-lived rather than passively waiting
for mankind to be destroyed so you can movie in to steal their stuff--which is the Jehovah's Witness pathology for "success."
JW's are the LEAST productive, LEAST compassionate, LEAST creative people who are very busy on this planet.
The Watch Tower does one thing for its people really well: it hollows them out (like a pumpkin) and fills them with a false purpose. Individuality is completely removed. When you are an EX-JW where are you going to get any ambition, hopes, dreams or p lans for yourself? There IS NO SELF! This is the biggest obstacle we all face: rediscovery of exactly who we are without FALSE purpose. It requires deep self-questioning. The temptation is to fill that ----space-----with something in a hurry. Unfortunately, it is most often the WRONG filler.