Special Talk Outline 2014 - Does anyone have it?

by gbrn 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WTWizard

    And why make "sins" out of just about everything enjoyable but not out of stupidity? What about those who keep slaves and do everything to keep them dependent on their masters? Some "sins" that joke-hova treats as wickedness include fornication, polygamy, adultery (even if all parties consent), homosexuality, seeking material things, justified anger (especially when it is because joke-hova never solves anything), and having a party. It is also supposed to be "wicked" to celebrate holidays and birthdays (of course, without chopping off anyone's head in the process). Putting up Christmas lights--wicked? Going shopping to buy presents so your children can enjoy the day--wicked?

    Yet, this same joke-hova endorses slavery and torture. That thing endorses violence against anyone that will not become one of its people--from how the Jews went into Canaan, stole the land, and slaughtered the natives for not conforming to their religion and enslaving those who did. This persisted with Tyrant David--who needs anti-semitism when you read the story of how that thing hated everyone who was Gentile, but unconditionally loved the Jewish people and those serving their joke-hova. And for what did that thing hate the Gentiles? For not worshiping its god joke-hova, that's what. Everything in the LIE-ble about that scumbag reinforces this--if joke-hova really is the god of that thing, does that mean it hates everyone that doesn't worship it and is willing to impose full communism (or outright slaughter) anyone that does not go along?

    And since when has joke-hova given Satan a fair chance? It's like the rigged stock market--every time it gets going anywhere near its fair value, some scumbag (the Fed) comes in and buys it up. Or silver--each time it starts running toward its fair value, the JP Morgue shorts it and drives its price down (putting it on sale). Each time Satan starts getting a measure of success, joke-hova goes in and messes it up. This dooms Satan's efforts to failure, and joke-hova goes in and cracks down. Ultimately, joke-hova's aim is full communism--and will accomplish it here on earth within a few years (I am suspecting the war to start in 2020 or 2021, with full global communism by 2025 and I can only hope it is wrong). All by trashing everything Satan is trying to do to prevent you from being in a full communist state.

  • BU2B

    And what is so "special" about this? Sounds like a regular talk outline. The same tired questions and weak answers. Not to mention that the test is not fair when you consider God and Satan keeps interfering with human affairs. It would only be a fair test if humans were truly left alone, free of supernatural influence.

    If a human parent acted anything like YHWH, he would be thrown in prison and his children seized by protective services. God not controlling things would be like me leaving antifreeze in a pitcher that my 4 year old could reach. When she drank it, would my defence of "I didnt make her do it, I allowed it to happen so I could prove how great a dad I am" fly? Even if I warned her not to drink it and she did anyways, was that her fault or her fathers?

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    posted a day ago(4/15/2014)
    Post 3288 of 3300

    'If you go, see if you can get an answer to this:
    Victims of accidents....
    So, does this mean there are no accidents in the new order? I asked a question related to this as a child when I was preparing for baptism. I did not get a satisfactory answer then or ever since.'


  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    (here's a question the outline should answer)


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