The Southern Poverty Law Center has monitored his activities for decades. He ratted out his Nazi buddies. Another Nazi was even older and decided to go out with a dramatic show. He made death threats against the founder of SPLC. The FBI knows a lot about him. It is rare for someone so old to be so violent.
Kansas City Shooter-Nazi in US Today
by Band on the Run 29 Replies latest jw friends
The guy is a lone nutter.
Problem is - he's not. There are lots of right-wing terrorists out there.
Yes these groups have risen at alarming rates in the last decade.
What other country sterilize women against their will
United States, to black women throughout significant chunks of the 20th century, in the southern states.
What other country is forcing people off their land
United States, centuries 18-20, to the Native Americans Had bulldozers been available they would have used them.
What other country forces a segment of its population to live enclosed in ghettos and deny them the right to leave?
United States, to Japanese citizens, 1940s.
By your logic, the Japanese & Germans were quite justified in opposing the USA in World War 2.
Actually, by the venom that you are spewing on this forum, that is likely not far off from your actual viewpoint.
Space Madness
This is so frustrating. I said Israel is the second worst country on earth behind North Korea because of all their human rights violations. You then for no reason start listing similar acts done by contries 60+ years ago as if that sometimes disprove the fact that Israel has the second most human rights violations on earth. I'll ask you the same thing I ask 'confused'. What's the point of your post? Are you saying because other countries unrelated to Israel done similar acts over 100 years ago that Israel have the right to do the same? Are you saying it's now Israel's turn to get away with barbaric behavior?
I am a Jew. I have been to Isreal. Jews and Arabs live peacefully together in some towns. The Israeli government is different from individual Israeli's. Likewise Jews the world round are different too. Have you been to Israel? It's not at all how you think.
Granted there is trouble and the government is not always fair to Palastinians, but it's not always fair to Israeli's either. Some individuals can be very racist others can be loving and kind. Everyone is unique.
Do you think that some people hate all Jews? I do they are anit-semites.
Kate xx
He acted alone. He was a lone gun-man. He is also a nut-job. Have you seen the guy?
Yes there are other nutters out there, they probably meet for poker night. Still, this guys insane rampage was his own doing. There was no Nazi conspiracy to attack Jews in Kansas City, Missouri. The situation is horrible and I feel for the families. Sadly, attacks like these and worse, happen all over the world, every day.
" Sigh, you're still talking about the past."
Ok I am talking about the past as in the recent past... some of these things still going on.
You act as if Apartheid was the distant past you act as if for some reason the UNITED STATES ISNT still occupying this Land Mass. You act as if The European corruption in all of AFRICA is not continuing until today and as if the oppression is not still being enforced. You act as if the drone attacks killing innocent people in the middle east have stopped.
The problem here is that attention spans of people in this country are too short. You are quick to chastise other countries when just 30 - 50 years ago FAAAAAAAAR greater atrocities were carried out and people in this country and possibly your own family were cheering in the streets. Yet sopmething tells me that in 30 years you would still be angry at the things some Israelis are doing today.
Space Madness
I believe the vast majority of people who hate jews hate them unforunatley because of the Israeli government. I know Jews and Arabs where living peacefully together in Palestine prior to World War 2. The reason I say I don't buy into anti-semitism is because the Israeli goverment has been using the charge of antisemtism to silence anyone who questions their actions. Russia annexed a part of Ukraine that was once part of Russia and despite the fact that the majority of people in Cremia wanted to rejoin Russia the United States and other countries imposed sanctions on Russia. Israel continues to kick Palentians off their land and no one poses any sanctions or says a word due to fear of being called an antisemite.
Ironically, Israel was the biggest supporter of South Africa's apartheid government from the 60s onward. I agree the actions of Europe and the United States is much worse than anything ever done by Israel, that shouldn't be used as an excuse to jusify their behavior however. Explain to me why people are quick to condem Russia, Iran, and China but remains silent about Israel?
Band on the Run
I can not believe some/most of the ignorant comments on this thread. I see hatred and bad acts on both sides of the Middle East. There was a lack of reference to actual neutral sources in the antiIsrael articles. I lived in Manhattan. Never saw a single Jew rejoice over Palestinian blood. Maybe they did it else. I did not see it or hear it. I am also fed up with the antiAmerican comments.
I imagine I know a lot about the forced sterilizations in the United States from law school and personal interest. There were reasons considered valid for the sterilizations. Racist thought was not isolated to Germany. My university has a Teachers College that was an integral part of the process. No one is sterilizing people against their will today. The people who were sterilized received compensation - not that justifies it.
You think you know history but you only see a narrow sliver. The United States and Israel are not the most evil countries ever to exist on the planet.
A bunch of normal, educated people would condemn a demented, evil wacko from murdering people. The bastard could not even find Jews to kill. He could have murdered you. It is not all right to murder people you think are Jews or Americans. There was outrage here. News anchors were upset. Sometimes I am so tired of slumming here.
Sorry. This man was an active Klansperson. He was extremely active in the movement. Authorities monitored him. The Southern Poverty Law Center reports that these extremists are growing in numbers. Some of you should return to the WT for sources of information and morals.
Africa has problems from colonialism. Its current problems, though, are corruption at the native level. People's mind are blown away by how bad it is. If I belonged to a group that lost millions b/c of prejudice, I would want a homeland, too. Pick up a newspaper or watch TV. You are what embarasses America.