So Spill the Beans, Brothers: Were There More or Fewer At this Year's Bore-Fest

by steve2 51 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Phizzy

    In the next few years here in the U.K we will see one or more of the big Supermarket chains fail. They must see the signs of their death, they must have been warned by their Advisors, so, they will have to be pretty nifty if they are not to be the one to fail.

    The WT must have been warned by its Advisors, and has acted on the advice to downsize and cut costs, and try to increase donations, but they can still see that the death of the Borg is on the cards.

    Maybe the WT should try some BOGOF offers. Would that work ? LOL

  • steve2

    I'd be astonished if the Bore-fest attracted over 20 million worldwide this year, given the all-time high of 2011 - just over 19,300,000 has yet to be beaten. The suggestion that when it falls during the week likely plays some part, i. e., attendance is usually lower than when it falls on a Sunday. But, given last year's lower-than-2011, they'd need over 800,000 more. Anything's possible, but the likelihood looks remote.

    Two things are certain: If they clear 20 million that figure will be trumpeted very early. It will rapidly extinguish this kind of speculative thread. If they don't clear 20 million - and especially if remains lower than 2011 - it will not be announced at all. Like last year's attendance figures, it won't be "released" until the 2015 Yearbook's out (late January 2015).

    Oh, countries that do buck the downward trend, will have their individual figures trumpeted, I'm sure.

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