Miami Has New Young Partakers

by James Jackson 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gentledawn

    In the USA, you must be at least 35yrs of age in order to serve as President of the country. The Constitution stipulates as much, because they knew even way back when that a person must be truly mature (not faux, stretched out definition of "mature"), experienced and have a sense of balance.

    Not so to become elder in JW lala land. Every time I read somewhere about a young buck in his twenties being counted as an "elder", I shake my head in disbelief. WTF do they think "elder" means? Immediate post-teenager/adolescent? Of course, we're talking about a religion that thinks baptizing 8yr olds is okay, even while most on the inside would deem it unthinkable to give away their 8 year old (or ten, eleven, or even 15yo, for that matter) in marriage at the same time in their young lives.

    By contrast, there is no age limit to "anointed". David proves that (1 Samuel 16:10-13).

    Another thing in regard to Paul's letters to Timothy: if a person were to take a look back to the historical setting, those letters were just that: letters. The bible itself was merely an unbound, loose collection of scrolls and letters for a few centuries. In fact it wasn't until the third or fourth century (325AD) when the council of Nicaea ( met and decided what was canon to the "scriptures" and what was not.

    JWs put an awful lot of emphasis on some things, claiming bible "scholarship" of some sort, but rarely (as in almost never) do any of the writers/leadership bring up the actual historical context of the world at the time, and who decided what, when, or really by/for whom.

    Reason I say this: Paul was a Pharisee (Philippians 3:5) before becoming a christian. Reading his writings from an Old testament-holders point of view (meaning someone who still held various parts of the Mosaic law in high esteem, etc) is very eye opening. None of Paul's rantings about females jibes with how Jesus talked to and treated any women in his day. Also remember that Paul was put to death in 67ad. He didn't even live long enough to see the "generations" teaching of Jesus come to fruition (66ad was the siege; sacking of the ciy happened late in 70ad).

    Just a few observations of my own.

  • Gayle

    GB - Steve Lett was partaker at 20/21 years old..

    Some have lamented that most partakers are female.

  • pbrow

    I would venture to guess most are women because they take the religion more seriously than men.

    My two children still have to go with their mother and I simply tell them to listen to what jesus says about partaking... not what the man on the stage says about partaking. I think they get it already and they are not that old.


  • ShirleyW

    So twenty year olds are now partaking, interesting.

    So is the 144,000 thing kinda pushed to the side now, do they still adhere to that?

  • JustVisting

    Attendant #1 to Elder #1 via mic/earphone (think Secret Service): Ah, sir, Sister Teenybopper and her cousin just bit into the unleavened bread. What the hell should I do?

    Elder #2: Brother Kiss-assky, make a note on your report. Elder Overbearing and I will interrogate later. Thanks little Brother, you are truly making

    manifest your spirtual progress....

  • redvip2000

    I think the GB is actually right about one thing : Most of these annointed are delusional. They don't have any "special feeling" that they are annointed. The only feeling they have is of their immense ego convincing them that they should be better than everybody else.

    Everybody wants to be special. There is no "special feeling" given by the holy spirit, because there is no holy spirit. So what are you left with? 13 thousand narcissistic egomaniacs who really believed when their mommy told them they were special.

  • RubaDub

    Are they related or secretly in love with each other?

    If they are in love, I would definitely like to see the pics.

    Rub a Dub

  • Pistoff


    " I think the GB is actually right about one thing : Most of these annointed are delusional. They don't have any "special feeling" that they are annointed. The only feeling they have is of their immense ego convincing them that they should be better than everybody else."

    Why would you call anyone who responds to the feeling of being a brother or sister of Jesus delusional?

    As compared to what, the rest of the witnesses who will say how important it is to be there at the memorial, to do what exactly?

    Not feel like a brother of christ?

  • Crazyguy

    Since its not talked about or taught, its wierd that these two would have any idea one way or the other. Something is fishy.

  • Saltheart Foamfollower
    Saltheart Foamfollower

    There is a cong in the north east of England which now has 4 partakers - had none 5 years ago.

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