From a Non JW Critic Post Memorial: Your Religion is Changing

by kneehighmiah 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • TD
    Finally she added that any religion that puts down or attacks other religions to make themselves look good is usually insecure or hiding something.

    I don't remember Memorials in the past being quite so bad in this respect. Are they using a new, "Outline?"

    The speaker I heard used expressions like, "Christendom" and "Christendom's churches" in a derogatory way; he openly sneered at traditional Christian views of heavenly life; he launched directly into 1914 without a word of explanation; he regurgitated the usual nonsense about the Jewish calendar and the JW's superior understanding of it.

    In all respects, this was not a discourse for, "Interested ones," and I would have been deeply ashamed if I were a JW who had invited a workmate, unbelieving spouse, etc.


    I enjoyed all the "Christendom" bashing, followed by what YOU MUST DO TO GAIN LIFE!! This was, of course, whatever the WTBTS says..


  • Vidiot

    She'd be a welcome addition here; it's always good to have a non-JW's perspective.

    You should invite her.

  • RagingBull

    They mentioned it at ours. about 13,000 give or take. Plugged JW.ORG too.

    But was reeeeally great - the hall was not FULL. last year the Main, 2nd and 3rd Halls were filled. This year there were probably 10 or so empty seats and that's WITH visitors! LOL

  • DuvanMuvan

    Thought only our speaker kept going on about christendom's churches. It seems counter-productive if they pick the one night of the year that they expect more non-jws (and usually people interested in Jesus in some way) to do the whole "lol those idiot churches say..." stuff.

    The plug in our one seemed a bit rushed. I think the brother forgot to mention it earlier in the talk because he stumbled over his words trying to fit it in while they passed out the wine.

    In our hall no one partakes so they just pass the bread and wine along. Is that the same in all the halls? I saw one woman laughing to herself when she saw that that was all we did with it and up until then I didn't realise how weird it was. Like touching the plate/glass is that much of an honour

  • twice shy
    twice shy

    Your relative shows great insight

  • Indian Larry
    Indian Larry

    I asked my wife and she thought they did annouce how many partook last year. Does anyone have access to the outline from the society for this years memorial talk? I would be very curious to see if it is mentioned in the outline.

    For those who did attend. Did they annouce at the hall you went to or was this just a single event?

  • Apognophos

    Your speaker screwed up, kneehighmiah. Ours mentioned the numbers that partook and observed last year in order to make his "don't partake" point, and I'm pretty sure that's still in the outline.

  • out4good3

    I went to that snorefest (purely out of respect to my wife) since it is a watershed day for her. I was waiting for them to announce, but I guess they knew better. They also severely chided any who would even think that they were privileged enough to "partake".

    My mother-in-law was with us as all of her other kids want to have nothing to do with least.....I suspect.....until she dies when I expect for them all to come out of the closet wanting their cut.

    If i have any way in the matter, and withoug divulging too much I surely will, I see that they get from the estate a direct proportion to the time they spent with her during her final days.

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