I commented on this on another thread. You are right, Searcher. Of course, many thought this idea was too 'out there' to be plausible, but as you so aptly observe, it is almost inevitably the way it must go.
I predict this is how it will go:
1. WT will direct debit a JWs bank account every month for the "donation"
2. If a JW pays by check, the Accounts Servant (AS) will compare the check amount to the amount pledged to verify if the amounts match.
3. If a JW pays by cash, they'll "donate" directly to the Accounts Servant and be given a receipt. The AS will note the cash "donation" on his congregation's "Who Gave What to WT This Month" log.
4. JWs will pay by credit card. I predict soon that ATM terminals will be located in each Kingdom Hall. Or, the WT will simply direct-charge the JWs CC every month.
In short, there will no way to skirt the system. If a JW is not donating, the local Monkey's Asses (elders) will know it, and that person will most assuredly be receiving as many "shepherding calls" as necessary to get them on the program. JWs who refuse to participate, or cannot because they are too poor, will be put on a "Spritually Weak" list and be shunned as "bad association". Any JW not "donating" will be viewed as opposing Jehovah™ and not actively supporting Kingdom Interests™.
And, as has been noted, the expected "donations" will start small, but escalate exponentially. Just like Assembly Halls, the expected donations will become absurd and burdensome. How will JWs be convinced to go along with it? Fortunately for WT, there are a lot of "Emeth" types in the Org.