Sd-7, all I have left to say is this..
Elders are viewed as like stars in Jesus' hand. He supposedly directs them. For every person that he may 'wake up to reality', there may be one or even many that feel as though the 'counsel/reproof' was necessary, and then hate themselves rather than him. Imagine the psychological damage.
I am struggling with this, I try to understand anyone as far as possible.
But look back at your own words.. Is beating slaves harder in the hope that some may try to escape whilst you keep your job and home, when you could instead encourage some of them to escape and aid them once they are ready whilst risking your way of life, really 'morally GRAY' ? The right choice, from a social and psychological point of view, seems clear to most people. That is why H.E started talking about it being an 'unjust world' etc. That's what people do to bypass their conscience, or at least reprogramme it. Okay, I'm done.
A farce elder here
by His Excellency 138 Replies latest jw experiences
defender of truth
a watcher
Well, his excellency, you are the quintessential wolf in the congregation.
May Jehovah rebuke you.
His Excellency
a watcher- Jehovah already rebuked himself, his son and the entire enclave of humanity long time ago.
If many are not comfortable with it. So be it. I do understand their frustration and for the record It absolutely makes me rejoice when i hear rumour and people say they regret having an encounter with the organistion, especially after having confronted my jungle judicial justice. We just have to get used to the painful reality of the doom life has become. we live in a broken world and any attempt designed by mortal man to fix it is like striving after the wind.
defender of truth
(Sorry for the repeat, this is my last attempt to get an answer)
"H.E.. You sound as though you have made your life into a personal crusade, as though your life's only goal is to force as many as possible to see the Watchtower as a cold place to be, but why do you feel the need to take this upon yourself? If you force them towards becoming bitter and angry people like yourself, how have you benefitted them exactly? And if the Watchtower org is a cold, harsh and terrible place for everyone to be (which it is not for all), then will they not see that for themselves? The information is out there and available. And if they are living a braindead, comfortable, cozy little life and not willing to think about things, what right do you have to treat them harshly.. to deliberately try to force them towards an outcome that may be worse for them.. but that YOU have decided is better for them?..
What is your real goal? To help others to live a happier and more contented life? Or to risk damaging their self esteem and family lives permanently, so that you can feel better that one more person is free, 'thanks to you' with your efforts and manipulations?" -
I feeel deep sorrow for you, you must be in hurrendous turmoil and distress. For whatever reason you stay or for whoever you love and wait for, I hope it changes soon or they awaken soon.
His Excellency
defender of truth- My goal is simple; To Expose the watchtower for what it truly represents
Its a long road to expect hardcore Jdubs source apostate materials online themselves, almost improbable. It is Easier to have an high profile insider make them see the danger the WT truly represents.
How people lead their lifes upon knowing TTATT is none of mine or anyone's business. People take a different path based on their choices. They may come to places like this to get support or do completely otherwise depending on their level of exposire.
I have the right to keep treating them in ways that will provoke hatred for the watchtower while ensuring that i minimise the collateral damage. it has worked thus far and it will continue to work. BTW, so many projects still ahead.
many will eventually come to appreciate what i did for them, two people on this forum already mentioned that an elder like me opened their eyes to the destructive nature of the watchtower. (so thats the end goal, open people's eyes from the INSIDE, help them shine their eyes). It is not an easy task, and is often done with brute force.
It is midnite here, bye for now, till tomorrow. case closed.
I am beginning to think we are being pranked, no one could be that vile.
His Excellency
LisaRose - Just wish you had no close acquiantance or family member come my way. If they do, I will definitely get the job done in no time. If not for the credence of maintainning Law and order, hundreds of kingdom halls would be blown up on a daily basis. But the structure of the civil society protects that strategy from being executed. Of course we never can tell what the future holds?.
But anyways, no problem. we still do what we can from the inside.
I think His Excellency is Having some Fun with Us..
I have the right to keep treating them in ways that will provoke hatred for the watchtower while ensuring that
i minimise the collateral damage.......His Excellency
He`s promised to Keep the Body Count down...................This JW Didn`t Make It..
I think HE just wants to gain some sick erotic fun sitting on a judicial committee about 'fornication'!
maybe he gets some joy out of making some poor sucker tell all the intimate details of his or her apparent 'sin'?
What a troll.... In the old sense of the word!