ahhh, your responses shocked me. this shouldnt be strange to anyone of you, and especially to the folks here. This is the place i expected to be least condemned. There are so many of us out there faking it, we can be found in every organogram, be it elder, bethelite, DC, CO or whaterview, the difference is just the degree to which we act out.
there is a lot at stake for us, family members, job and et. al, my current landlord and employers are both jws. My apartment is leased for almost free, i pay only the utility bills and nothing more. My job is stable and well paid, i am employed by a brother who serves as an MS from thesame congregation. And the elder status brings so much reckonning and enhances trust, with lots of perks.
By the way, i have recently made several moves to block my employer's appointment as an elder, because I observe that if we eventually get on the same elder body, my eldership status which I have largely used to my advantage will be of no value to him. I have blocked series of discussions about his eligibility for appointment, the most recent was two weeks ago at the recent C.O visit. He is a wonderful guy though. but I am keeping the status quo for my interest.
This shouldnt come to anyone by surprise, we live in an unjust world, a lot of things are confusing and way beyond human perception, more confusing when you find yourself trapped in a dangerous grotesque cult filled, some of us would not have opted to be here at all, if we were told the format of life and the wicked world would be designed this way. SO JUDGE NO ONE, LIVE AND LET OTHERS LIVE.
With regards to the jc, It was a case of fornication, I will handle the matter to the letter. My position is that, the more cruel elders are, the easier it is to awaken people and let them see how dysfunctional the borg is. The more compassion elders manifest, the more difficult it is to make the sheeples see the hideous nature of this cantakerous organization. So my stance is to make life as difficult as possible for whoever crosses the JW line, so as to inspire hatred for the organzation and keep them very far away from the borg. SOmeone may though not see any logic in it, but it has worked on 7 publishers who faced the JC wraughts, and as I speak none of them would want anything to do with a jW, and they have all become " aggressive hyper ferrocious apostates" . If I am eventually caught, I will endeavour to re-connect with them all, dont know when, but time will tell
please sorry for my english, i am not a native speaker, english is even a third or a fourth language