I was a little too honest with a super close friend who is one of the most important people in my life. My mistake. She talked to an elder about my doubts...I know she had my best interests in mind and I hold nothing against her. She was worried about me and we'd had a fairly intense phone conversation where I suppose I disclosed a little too much. She asked the tough questions, I answered a little too openly. My mistake. I care deeply for her and wanted to be honest but I know that probably wasn't smart. I'm now on the 'radar'. After being confronted into the back school after a meeting, I'm now to study the 'Was Life Created' brochure with a couple elders and then the 'Origin of Life: 5 Questions..." brochure ...then who knows.
Here's the situation: I'm about to finish college and my extreme busy-ness with that has been my excuse for lackluster service / meeting attendance / carrying out of privileges etc. But that excuse is about evaporate and I'm expected to return to full-steam JW brother mode. I know I don't have it in me...although if I'm being honest I wish I did. It'd be so much easier to somehow 'brainwash' myself into believing everything once again and just go for it...but I've learned too much I don't know if it's possible. I don't know what to do here. Now that the elders are on to my doubts if I don't reverse them by means of this study with them who knows what'll happen. What the hell. The only thing I can think of doing is trying to get a job in a different city and moving away from home...but it's not what I want. Plus then I lose everyone just the same. That's exactly what I don't want to do - I love everyone too much. Besides, I'll be expected to accomplish just the same as I am here wherever my congregation 'file' follows me. Not really sure how that works... but anyways it seems as though I lose everyone I love no matter what I do. Sheesh.
Just wish my relationships weren't so conditional...the pettiness is truly remarkable when you get down to it. In that phone conversation (she confronted me about it by the way) I told her my friendship with her wasn't conditional and that I'd always love her no matter what ...and I know she can't give me the same. Geez that stings. If I lose these people I'll die, but it's becoming more clear that I can't live with them in my life either. Gadzooks. I know you aren't my therapists... and maybe I should get one. But many of you have been where I am and so I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm truly sorry for what you've been through. Have a great night people.