Pp. 5-8 of the Awake! February 22, 1961 - article titled, "The 20th Century in Bible Prophecy: What does Bible prophecy foretell for our day? Does it offer hope for our future?"
Scan of p. 5 - "But then it [the Bible] also speaks of a group of people preaching about the righteous kingdom of God, a war of God against all wickedness, followed by a paradise earth without death - all to be realized in the twentieth century."
Scan of p. 6.
Scan of p. 7 - "What kingdom? The kingdom of God that is to crush all present kingdoms of men. (Dan. 2:44) That now-operating kingdom in heaven will, within the twentieth century, cleanse the entire earth of wickedness."
Scan of p. 8 - "Revelation 16:16 calls it the 'war of the great day of God the Almighty,' Armageddon. This war will come in the twentieth century. It will come right on schedule ... ."
Full Awake! 1961 volume available HERE.